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It depends on whether the non-organic fruits have been treated to make them have a longer shelf life. If they have not been, the organic fruits would not rot any faster than the non-organic.

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Q: Which fruit rot faster grapes or strawberries?
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Does wet strawberries rot faster?

I find that wet strawberries do rot faster.

Where do grapes oranges and apples rot faster?

in the sun light

Why do strawberries spoil faster than bananas and apples?

I don't think strawberries rot faster than a banana. Bananas because they turn brown and moldy after a short period of time. Although the temperature determine when an apple will rot.

Why does fruit rot faster in the light than in dark?

it does not. it rots faster in the dark

Which fruit will rot the fastest the apple pear grape or strawberry?

I believe that a pear will rott faster because it is already soft and so the pear is rotting faster than an apple and a peach why not grape and strawberry

How do you make fruit rot faster?

Put it in direct sunlight

Why does fruit rot faster after it has been washed?

An explanation can be the deleting of the protective layer of the fruit.

Does a fruit rot or mold?

Yes in fact I recently justgotdone doing a experiment on rotting on strawberries and outcomes say both mold and rot were present

What do rotten grapes do?

Grape vines can develop different diseases that can cause the fruit to rot. One disease is the fungus called Guignardia bidwellii that produces black rot.

Why does a banana rot faster than a peach?

The stuff that makes the banana Brown wants to make the fruit more brown but it fails

Does salt make fruit not rot?

Salt does not make fruit rot faster, it slows down the process. Salt absorbs the humidity in the fruit, leaving bacteria without nutrients to grow, thus making the fruit last longer. :)

Do apples rot faster at a cold temperature or warm temperature?

Your grammar is faulty- but the question is understandable. The factors involved in "rotting" are enzymes; both from the substance and even more, from the enzymes secreted by microorganisms as they break down (digest) the substance (apple) for food. increases in temperature increase the action of enzymes, plus speeding the growth rate of micro- organisms.