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The word 'Piano' means soft :D

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Q: Does piano mean soft or loud?
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The piano was invented in Italy What does the word piano mean?

Piano means soft. Pianos were originally called piano-fortes because unlike the harpsichord they could be both loud and soft. Forte meaning loud. Eventually it was shortened to just piano.

Piano is to soft then what is loud to?


What are two kinds of dynamics?

the two kinds of dynamics are: soft loud kinds of soft are: kinds of loud are: piano- soft forte- loud pianissimo- very soft fortissimo- very loud pianississimo- very very soft fortississimo- very very loud mezzo piano- moderately soft mezzo forte- moderately loud

What language does piano forte come from?

English. It is the full word for piano. (Like telephone is the full word for phone)

What is piano music?

Piano music is music played from the piano, there is soft and loud music

What are the different types of dynamics in musics?

Pianissimo (pp) = very soft. Piano (p) = soft. Mezzo-piano (mp) = moderately soft. Mezzo-forte (mf) = moderately loud. Forte (f) = loud. Fortissimo (ff) = very loud. There are also pianississimo (ppp) and fortississimo (fff), which are "the softest possible" and "the loudest possible" respectably, but those are uncommon.

Which language does piano come from?

The word "piano" comes from the Italian word "pianoforte," which means "soft-loud" in English. The piano was named this way to describe its ability to produce both soft and loud sounds depending on how the keys are played.

What does dynanics mean in musical terms?

The degree of loudness or softness.Dynamics refers to how loud (forte) or soft (piano) portions of a piece are. There can be variations in the terms forte and piano: adding mezzo in front literally means "medium (loud or soft)", doubling the words have an added effect (ff "twice as loud" or pp "twice as soft").How loud of soft you play.which of the following is the best definition of dynamics in music?

What is the loud and soft instrument?

Pianoforte is an instrument whose name comes from the Italian equivalents of the English words "soft" and "loud." The masculine singular noun may be preceded by the masculine singular definite article il ("the") or indefinite un, uno ("a, an"). The pronunciation will be "PYA-no-FOR-tey" in Italian.

What dose Mezzo Piano mean?

Is is a notation for amplitude in music between Piano and mezzo forte Scale: FFF <--Loud FF F mF mP Mezzo Piano P PP PPP <--Weak

What does a dynamic marking mean....for piano.?

pp - pianissimo - very soft p - piano - soft mp - mezzo-piano - medium-soft mf - mezzo-forte - medium-loud f- forte - loud ff - fortissimo - very loud cresc. - crescendo - get louder decresc. - decrescendo - get softer sf - sforzando - sudden accent sfp - sforzando-piano - sudden accent and sudden piano

Fortissimo forte mezzo forte mezzo piano piano pianissimo what is the softest to loudest?

Musical dynamics are related in this way:FF - Fortissimo - Very loud F - Forte - Loud forcefull MF - Mezzo Forte - Moderately Loud MP - Mezzo Piano - Moderately Soft P - Piano - soft quiet tones PP - Pianissimo - Very Soft