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Fungi are eukaryotic cells.

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Q: Does prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells contains fungi?
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Is it true or false that fungi have prokaryotic cells?

if we classified aktinimycets in fungi philum it can be true that we have prokaryotic fngi

Are prokaryotic cells located in animal cells?

No, prokaryotic cells are bacteria and animal cells are eukaryotic (plants, fungi and animals are all eukaryotic).

Are prokaryotic cells located in plant cells?

No, prokaryotic cells are bacteria and plant cells are eukaryotic (plants, fungi and animals are all eukaryotic).

Is fungal prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

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Are fungi cells eukaryotic or prokaryotic and why?

They are eukaryotic because they have a membrane bound nucleus and many membrane bound organelles.

What are the kingdoms that have eukaryotic cells?

Kingdoms Animalia, Chromista, Fungi, Plantae, and Protozoa are eukaryotic. Kingdom Bacteria is prokaryotic.

Is lactobacillus prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

It is prokaryotic because most bacteria are prokaryotic and most fungi are eukaryotic

What is the difference between a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic Cell?

Prokaryotic Cells are only found in a singled celled organism, such as bacteria. Protists, fungi, plants and animals are made to be Eukaryotic. Eukaryotic Cells have a true nucleus bound by a membrane, while prokaryotic cells contain a nucleoid region. The nucleoid region in a prokaryotic cell generally has no boundaries so it is just generally where the DNA is located in the cell. Eukaryotic cells also have membrane bound organelles too; unlike the prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells are larger than prokaryotic cells.

What is eukaryotic cell?

Cells are of two types Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic .Eukaryotic cells possess a well defined nucleus , E.R. , golgi bodies mitochondria , lysosomes and cytoskeleton .

Are protists eucaryotic or prokaryotic?

Protists are eukaryotic cells (eukaryotes). Other eukaryotes are animals, plants and fungi.

What is cellular organization?

It basically means all cells are divided into two types: prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells evolved 3.5 billion years ago and have a nucleus. Examples of a Prokaryotic cell include protista, fungi, plants and animals. Eukaryotic cells evolved 1.5 billion years ago and do not have a nucleus. An example of a Eukaryotic cell is bacteria.

How is fungi different from monera?

Fungi are Eukaryotic while monerans are prokaryotic .