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Heat radiation is electromagnetic radiation, like radio or light. Notice that we receive vast amounts of heat from the sun yet that heat travels mainly through empty space.

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Q: Does radiation need matter to transfer heat?
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Which type of heat transfer can happen even if there are no particles of matter?

Heat Radiation does not need a medium (particles of matter).

Which method of energy transfer does not involve the movement of matter?

Energy transfer takes place by convection (the movement of hot air or other fluids due to diferences in densiity), conduction (transfer of heat through contact - caused by collisions between adjacent particles), or radiation (the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves such as light or infra-red rays).Radiation requires matter to create and absorb the EM waves, (i.e. you need a hot object to give off the IR waves) but the waves themselves can travel through a vacuum, so do not require matter to transfer energy.

Witch method of transferring heat does not need particles?

Radiation does not need particles to transfer heat.

How do you explain the difference between conduction convection or radiation can transfer heat explain?

It's a different way to transfer heat. One object emits electromagnetic radiation (for example, infrared - though it depends on the temperature); another object absorbs it. Heat transfer through radiation can occur in empty space; with conduction and convection, that's not possible.

Which heat transfer doesnt need a medium to move through?


Why do you not need a substance for heat transfer?

Any object emits electromagnetic radiation (heat radiation, usually infrared), according to its temperature. This can travel in empty space.

What heat transfer is used when a fan is blowing?

Actually, there isn't any heat transfer when a fan is blowing. But, if you really need the answer, the closest one would be radiation.

Heat from the sun reaches you by which form of heat transfer?

Radiation This is because between the Sun and the earth there is a vacuum (there are no air molecules). So conduction and convection will be no use as they need molecules and atoms to work: they transfer heat through them or the molecules carry the heat. HOWEVER: Radiation needs no particles or atoms or molecules or anything for heat transfer, so the sun's light energy is transferred to us by radiation.

State and discuss the modes transfer of heat?

The modes of transfer of heat are: # Conduction # Convection # Radiation In Conduction, heat is transferred along the material by the vibration of molecules. The molecules, however, don't actually move from their positions. It is usually seen in solids only. Heat transfer in Convection is by actual movement of material molecules. It is seen in liquids and gases. Radiation is the mode of transfer which does not need any material medium. The transfer of heat is done by electromagnetic waves.

How is heat transfered by radiation different from conduction and convection?

Radiation does not need any material medium to transfer energy where as the other two conduction and convection need a material medium to perform.

Why is heat not matter i need to know for sicience homework?

Heat is NOT matter. Heat is not even energy. It is defined as the "transfer of energy", so it refers strictly to the PROCESS of the TRANSFER of energy. My prof explained this to me in class, apparently many people misunderstand this.

Example of heat transfer?

The sun gives off radiation, which can travel through space, and is later converted into heat when it contacts matter (Earth, space crafts, astronauts, asteroids, ect.).