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No. The slight curvature it causes in the spine has no impact on lifespan.

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Q: Does scoliosis affect the lifespan of a person?
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Life expectancy for scoliosis patients?

Scoliosis will not affect your lifespan.

Where does scoliosis mainly affect?

Scoliosis is a descriptive term for a spinal condition. Scoliosis means curvature

Is scoliosis behavioral?

No. Scoliosis is a physical disorder, so it does not affect the emotions, mind, or brain.

What are alternative treatments for scoliosis?

As I have heard, there is no particular alternative treatment for scoliosis. Treatments like biofeedback cannot prevent scoliosis. Exercise has not been confirmed to affect change on scoliosis.

Does scoliosis affect equally males and females?

No Scoliosis affects more females than males. I think its about 1 in 10 Scoliosis sufferers are male.

Do lifestyle choices affect scoliosis?

NO. They do not affect it. It is genetic so physical and mental health dose not affect it.

Does scoliosis affect a specific age group?

scoliosis affects 10% of adoelscants but only 1% need medical attention.

How does a person get scoliosis?

nobody knows....its idiopathic

What problems are caused by cerebral palsy?

Spasticity, muscle coordination, ataxia, and scoliosis are all significant impairments that affect the posture and mobility of a person with cerebral palsy.

What is the lifespan of a person?

Lifespan of a Human being or a person : 70-90 years.

Can Achondroplasia affect a person's lifespan?

No. Although types of dwarfism, and their severity and complications, vary from person to person, in general a child's life span is not affected by dwarfism. (:

Is scoliosis profound?

Scoliosis can be very obvious, or not. I depends on the angle of the spine. Some mild cases don't affect the person very much at all. I am braced for scoliosis, but when mine was first discovered, it was during a sports physical and I didn't even know I had it. Some people, however, have a very large curve and it is noticeable. It effects the way they look, stand, and walk.