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no, simply sending an employee do a doctor does not make an incident OSHA recordable. Receiving medical treatment beyond First Aid would make it recordable if other aspects of the incident were consistent with the requirements for recordability.

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Q: Does sending an employee to the doctor make it an OSHA recordable event?
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Is a heart attack a recordable under osha regulations?

Incidents are not recordable if the employee has symptoms that merely surfaced while atwork but were the result of a non-work related event or exposure. For example, a cold oran infection from a cut that was received at home is not recordable. Additionally,"activities of daily living" are not normally recordable. For example, a heart attack isgenerally not considered a recordable injury, unless it was caused by a singular event orexposure at work that caused the attack.

How many mg of naproxen is needed to be a OSHA recordable case?

If you need pain relief because of a work-related event, and if your physician gives you a prescription for naproxen, then the event is a recordable event, regardless of the amount prescribed. Some quantities of naproxen are available in the US as non-prescription medicine. If your doctor tells you to take a non-prescription product in non-prescription amounts, then the event causing you to need that medication is not recordable, unless there is some other aspect of the situation that makes it recordable. Never rely on information in a forum like this to determine whether something is recordable. Seek advice and direction from someone who is familiar with the OSHA regulations on recording injuries and illnesses, and with the specifics of the articular workplace.

Is calling in sick OSHA recordable?

Calling in sick, all by itself, does not create an OSHA recordable event. If you are sick because of something in your work place or your work assignment, that may be an OSHA recordable event, but further assessment is needed by someone who understands the OSHA reporting requirements and the specifics of the event.

If an employee finds a tick on himself after leaving work and seeks medical attention is that OSHA Recordable?

Not all medical treatment is an OSHA Recordable event. If the treatment is at the level of first aid care, it is not recordable- even if performed by a physician. If the treatment is a simple one (remove tick with tweezers, clean skin, apply bandaid) that would not be a recordable. A DEEPLY EMBEDDED tick that requires numbing the skin, using a scalpel to remove tick, etc- is beyond simple first aid, and would likely be recordable.

Is receiving IV fluids for heat exhaustion OSHA recordable?

If the other criteria for being an OSHA recordable event are met (work-relatedness, etc.) then receiving IV-fluids would make the event recordable because that is medical treatment beyond first aid.

Is providing oxygen an OSHA recordable?

Since the providing of oxygen is not a First Aid activity, if the other aspects of the event are consistent with OSHA recordability, then giving oxygen is treatment beyond First Aid and makes the event recordable.

Is an injection OSHA recordable?

What is OSHA recordable is an injury requiring medical treatment beyond first aid. If an injection is given as part of treatment for an injury that was work related, then the injury may be OSHA recordable. However, if an injection is given as a precaution after a work related event, then the injury may not be recordable. An example might be a tetanus shot after stepping on a rusty nail at work.For any particular event, whether it is OSHA recordable should be determined by someone familiar with both the OSHA regulations on injury and illness recording, and with the specifics of the particular workplace and event. Never rely on advice in a form like this on to determine whether to enter any particular event in the OSHA Injury and Illness Log.

Does more than one Physician appointment make an OSHA recordable incident?

The number of Physician's appointment is irrelevant to whether an incident is OSHA recordable. IF medical treatment beyond First Aid was administered, and the event meets the other criteria (work related, etc) then it is OSHA recordable.

Is an MRI an OSHA recordable?

Getting an x-ray is often a diagnostic procedure and may not make an event OSHA recordable. If the X-ray does not detect an injury requiring medical treatment beyond first aid, the event is not recordable. If it does detect such a condition, it is the subsequent treatment beyond first aid that makes the event recordable, not the x-ray. The only time getting an X-ray could be OSHA recordable would be if the process were used for treatment of an injury or condition.

Is a heart attack a OSHA recordable?

A heart attack may be an OSHA Recordable event, but it may not, depending on the circumstances. It it is thought to be the result of one's work assignment, it would be Recordable. But events like heart attacks can happen at work without being work-related, so some (many) are not OSHA recordable. A knowledgeable person would have to determine that on a case by case basis.

If someone passes out from smashed finger is that an OSHA recordable?

Becoming unconscious is one of the criteria for OSHA recordability, so yes, in most cases, and all other criteria for recordability being met, this would be a recordable event.

Is a recordable accident also OSHA recordable?

The definition of an accident reportable to the DOT is different from the definition of an accident recordableunder OSHA. The same event may trigger both requirements or only one of the two. It depends on the specific circumstances.