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Since turtles are not meant to be wet all the time, I would assume that overtime, yes, the water would ruin the shell.

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Q: Does soaking a turtle shell in water ruin the scales?
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Is your turtle's shell supposed to be slimy?

If your turtle is a water turtle it should.

Do turtles have scales or skin?

A turtle's shell is designed for protection. Each species of turtle has a different type of shell. Turtles that live on land have taller, boxier shells that are thicker. Turtles that live in the water have shorter, thinner shells that slide through the water more easily.

What reptile lives in water and has hard shell for protection?

A turtle. and define what you are thinking is a "protective shell"

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Can Eastern box turtle swim?

I believe the turtle floats-being guided by his legs...however he may dive and remain stationary on the bottom of the water he is in for a proscribed amount of time Sure they can swim but nowhere near as good as an aquatic turtle so they avoid fast moving bodies of water and usually will not venture in deeper than the height of their shell - they seem to know they can be swept away. Often when they are sick they will seek water to soak in and often will die soaking in the water.

Adaptation on turtles?

the shell- It protects the turtle. When there is danger, the turtle will pull its legs, tail and head into its shell. The shell is also hard and protective. the feet- It helps the turtle to swim and also to crawl on land. Turtles tend to have webbed feet. the neck- It allows water to flow out from it.

What are facts about the most common turtle?

it has a shell . it is green . it lives int the water . it eats . and it drink water.

How do you clean your giant Asian pond turtle?

Hold your turtle under gently running warm, like 80 degree F., water or let him soak in a bath of 80 degree F. water. While he is in the water rub his shell and plastron with a soft wash cloth to remove dirt. If he has algae stuck on his shell then gently scrub it off with a children's or soft toothbrush. Don't use any soap, shampoo, conditioner, or cleaner, just water. Don't scrub the shell of a soft shell turtle or young turtle who's shell hasn't hardened yet.

What is a leathery shell?

A leathery shell is a shell that is flexible rather than solid like the shell of a bird egg. A snake's egg has a shell that is flexible, as does a turtle's egg.

What animal lives in water and has a hard outer shell and eats plants and animals?


Can you feed a baby yellow eared turtle hermit crab food?

Yes you can becausea turtle has a shell as well as a hermit crab. they both live in the water and eat simlar things.Yes you can because a turtle has a shell as well as a hermit crab.They both live in the water and eat simlar things.

What if your map turtle has green spots on it's shell is that normal?

Yes it is normal. This is algae growing on its shell. Grab a toothbrush and some warm water [not hot as to NOT burn the turtle] and gently scrub the shell, it should come off eventually.