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no, spirogyra is a cell, not a plant.

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Q: Does spirogyra plant have stems root and leaves?
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Is a ginger a root or stem vegetable?

No,they are the stems of a plant......

What functions each part of a plant?

The Roots, Stems and Leaves are the main parts of the plant

How do the structure and function of roots stems and leaves help a plant carry out life processes?

Root, stem and leaves are fundamental parts of the vascular plants. Root helps in absorption and anchorage, stem supports the leaves and conducts water and minerals to the leaves and leaves prepare food in the presence of sunlight. Thus by division of work different parts of the plant carry out life processes.

Why does a plant need different root stems?

every root takes in different nutrients

What is the difference between root and root system?

Root system- consists of anything below the surface of the plant such as the roots, rhizomes and tubers etc. They absorb water and take up nutrients from the soil as well as anchors the plant in the soil and stores food sometimes ex.carrot. Shoot system- consists of anything from the surface of the plant up, ex. stems, leaves, buds, flowers etc. Basically the above portion of a plant.

What is a cluster of leaves called?

The spore-bearing plants are called Psilophytes. This type of plant has no root nor leaves, the only have stems and they live in water. The common example of spore-bearing plants are ferns.

What parts of the skullcap plant are used for medicinal purposes?

Western herbalism: the leaves, flowers, and stems are used as herbal remedies. Chinese herbalism: root of baical skullcap.

What part of the plant is asparagas?

The parts of the asparagus plant that you eat are the young shoots (stems and vestigial leaves) that first poke out of the ground in spring. These are cut off close to the root with a sharp curved knife.

What plant system includes the stems and leaves?

Plants have two organ systems, the shoot system and the root system. The shoot system is above ground and includes the leaves, buds, stems, flowers, and fruits. The root system includes those parts of the plant below ground, such as the roots, tubers, and rhizomes.

What are examples of plant organisms?

examples of plant organs are the root, leaves, stem, seeds, etc.

Four vegetables that you eat different parts or stages of the plant in its life cycle?

with beets, you can eat both the leaves and the root. wheat has edible stems when it is young and the seeds are edible. cilantro has edible leaves and seeds.