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No, menstruation doesn't impact on your sexuality.
When you start your period doesn't make you heterosexual.

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Q: Does starting your period early mean that you like boys?
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Can boys tell if a girl is on her period?

no. they can't because boys don't have periods like girls do.

Why do boys like saying they don't like you?

So they don't get caught too early

Is it normal to have your period 2 weeks early on no pills or anything like that?

it depends if you are just starting then your periods haven't really regulated yet but if your older they should have regulated and should be the same each cycle

What could be the cause of bad cramps and heavy period-like bleeding that's too early to be my period?

First off what do you mean it's too early to be my period? Are you talking about age wise or month wise?

Like if your pee-pie is coming out GUI white stuff is that a sigh that your period is starting?

yes that is a sigh that your period has started

If you have your period and you like a boy can you get pregnant?

Yes. liking boys is extremely dangerous and will instantly make you pregnant.

Is it possible to have a period while pregnant?

No, but during early stages of being pregnant you can get bleeding which seems like a normal period. This is common.

Does a slight pink liquid type fluid mean your starting your period?

Sounds like it to me

Can you be pregnant if your period come a week early?

You could be if the period is light or shorter than usual. However, if it is like your normal period but just early then it's unlikely you're pregnant. If it's light, you should take a pregnancy test

Why are boys so perverted?

Maybe it has something to do with hormones, like girls have their period and hormones are kind of messed up

Is a period that is 2 days early a sign of pregnancy if your cycle is usually like clockwork?

No. Since your period has come, you are not pregnant. Early or late periods could also have more to do with stress, a change in diet or exercise. the above answer is not 100% true, it depends on what the period is like, is it lighter or heavier than normal?

Your period is 3 days late and you have been slightly cramping for about a week Could you be pregnant?

when you miss your period, and if you are pregnant, does your body still cramp like it does when you are starting your period?