

Does the English golf ball go further?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, there is no such thing as an English Golf ball, it is the exact same as anyone sold anywhere in the world.

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Q: Does the English golf ball go further?
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Yes it does. If it is warmer the ball will go further, also if you are higher up the ball will go further as the air is thinner. When its cold it is better to heat up your golf ball before you play as it will go further.

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i believe amateur or ladies balls compress slightly more than your top ball making it easier to hit further if you arnt very good. Ya it is lighter causing it to go further but also blow in the wind so its not acurate.

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The problem with a golf ball is that you have to hit it with a golf club, one of the major drawbacks is that it occassionally doesn't go where you want it to.

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Kinetic energy is a function of mass and velocity. Therefore, an object with more mass, such as a bowling ball, would have to go slower than an object with less mass, such as a golf ball. So, if given the same amount of kinetic energy, a bowling ball will go faster than a golf ball, because it has more mass.

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Why does a golf ball go left?

You're either shanking or hooking

Why does golf balls bounce?

The inside of the ball will stretch and it will make the ball go in the direction that it is streched the most