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The part that says "Congress shall pass no law respecting the establishment of a religion, nor inhibiting the free practice thereof"

The first part of this amendment is often called the "Establishment Clause".

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11y ago

Yes. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution forbids Congress from establishing a national religion

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Q: Does the First Amendment prohibits an established national religion?
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What is the first amendmant?

The first amendment is the law that prohibits the establishment of a national or state religion. The amendment helps support the right to freedom of religion and prevents the government from using religion as a means of persecution.

Does the bill of rights prohibit discrimination on race sex or religion?

The first amendment prohibits discrimination of religion and the 19th amendment prohibits discrimination of sex.

What law prohibits the mix of religion and state?

the first amendment of the constitution.

What amendment gurantees freedom of religion?

The First Amendment prohibits the government from establishing a religion, which by implication prevents its either supporting or inhibiting religion in general.

Does The Establishment Clause prohibits Congress from mandating a state religion?

Yes, he establishment clause prohibits the establishment of a national religion by Congress and prohibits the U.S. government from preferring one religion over another.

The establishment clause of the First Amendment has been said to?

prohibits the adoption of an official religion.

Which amendment protects the freedoms of religion speech and press?

The First Amendment The amendment prohibits the making of any law respectting an establishment of religion , impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

What are the free exercise clause and establishment clauses for the first amendment?

The Establishment Clause prohibits the government from creating an official or established church. The Free Exercise Clause prohibits the government from interfering with the practices of any religion except in the 'compelling interest' of the greater society, i.e., you cannot practice human sacrifice, bigamy, or child abuse as part of your religion.

What best explains one purpose of the quotation above?

It prohibits the government from creating a national religion.

The 1st amendment provides for freedom of religion through?

The prohibition of an establishment of a national religion.

Is the fourteenth amendment equal to or the same as the original bill of rights?

Yes. The Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the United States restricts the Congress of the United States. The 14th Amendment extends those restrictions to the state legislatures. Congress was never permitted to have an established religion. Before 1832 The State of Massachusetts had an established religion. The 14th amendment now prohibits that.

What was the first amendment protected?

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom to peacefully assemble, and freedom to petition the goverment for redress of grievances. It prohibits making any law that respects the establishment of religion, but protects the right for people to practice their religion.