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yes because there are still people who are living on disadvantages and recently we find this on universities

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Q: Does the affirmative action policy need to be discontinued?
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Does the Affirmative policy need to be discontinued after a certain length of time and why?

Why does affirmative action policy need to be discontinue after a certain length of time .

Does the affirmative action policy need to be discontinued after a certain period of time and why?

Affirmative action was put into place so people of varying difference could not be rejected for a discrimination purpose. Some people believe that affirmative action is a harm because people less qualified will be given a job because of race or sexual preference, when this happens affirmative action should be removed.

Does the affirmative action policy need to be discontinued in south Africa after a certain length of time and why?

yes because it seeks to support the population whose members have been discriminated againts with people with dissability

affirmative action?

Affirmative action is the process of giving priority to historically disadvantaged groups. It is usually used in education and work, by setting aside special scholarships for disadvantaged groups and setting quotas for the amount of students/employees of that group need to be accepted/hired.

WHO Was the first to propose that you might need affirmative action for men?

The first person to propose the concept of affirmative action for men was Warren Farrell, an American educator and author. In the early 1990s, Farrell suggested in his book "The Myth of Male Power" that men, too, could benefit from affirmative action policies to address disparities in areas such as education and employment. He argued that gender-based affirmative action could help men who faced discrimination or disadvantages in certain contexts.

Why is affirmative action bad?

The people don't really need it. There are individuals who because of race, creed or religion have been denied their basic natural rights, affirmative action does not offer the proper remedy. It does not matter who you are or what color your skin is, if you chose to excel then you will excel no matter what. Affirmative action serves to divide the populace allowing for more government controls. When the rights of groups are valued more than the rights of individuals, then freedom has taken a back seat to government intrusion.

What is meant by Affirmative action?

Affirmative action refers to the policies that take gender, race, or ethnicity into account in order to promote equal opportunity. Employers subject to Title VII are PROHIBITED from taking race or sex into account in any employment decisions. AA is a penalty for having any job group substantially statistically "underutilized" in any race or either sex. The employer must take steps to eliminate the underutilization, then STOP, ending its AA efforts.

Is obama really changing Uncle Sam to Uncle Sambo?

Yes he is. Redistribution of wealth, expansion of ACORN, reparations, affirmative action....need I go on?

Define affirmative action and two Supreme Court cases that have ruled on it Evaluate the effectiveness of affirmative action programs and evaluate whether the need for these programs remains today?

Two USSC cases which dealt with affirmative action cases were Grutter v. Bollinger and Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. It was in these two cases that the Court dealt with the issue of affirmative action in university admissions. Both cases resulted in a very divided Court; even with 25 years between the two decisions. The effectiveness of affirmative action, if correctly addressed, had a place in the job force as well as education admissions. As the Court explained any affirmative action program that is "narrowly tailored", temporary and flexible did not place undue burdens on racial groups as a whole. States and schools have a compelling interest to ensure past racial considerations and minority diversity are prevalent in the process of hiring and educating. As far as the current and future needs of affirmative action I believe that, especially with the influx of diversity in our population, the need for programs has changed. We are not the country we were 50 years ago and continue to "blend" amongst ourselves in a way that creates no definite or absolute racial groups. During the last census, for example, almost half of the people in the United States when asked to check the appropriate box for their race marked more than one answer. Although racism is still prevalent in our country today with the current demographic trends we will surely see a downturn in the use of affirmative action programs in the future.

Does the affirmative action policy need to be discontinued after a certain length of time and why?

One could reasonably argue that even though many injustices have been inflicted upon the African-American community, who are therefore morally entitled to receive a certain amount of extra assistance in catching up with the generally more prosperous and more successful European-American community, there does come a point at which the advantage of affirmative action, that has already been given, is comparable to the disadvantage for which it is compensating, and beyond that point it become unfair to continue to place European-Americans at a disadvantage. At some point we must put the past behind us and allow individuals to compete on their own merits, rather than giving one ethnic group an advantage over another. Whether we have actually reached that point is, of course, debatable.

Does the policy of affirmative action need to be discontinued after a certain length of time?

One could reasonably argue that even though many injustices have been inflicted upon the African-American community, who are therefore morally entitled to receive a certain amount of extra assistance in catching up with the generally more prosperous and more successful European-American community, there does come a point at which the advantage of affirmative action, that has already been given, is comparable to the disadvantage for which it is compensating, and beyond that point it become unfair to continue to place European-Americans at a disadvantage. At some point we must put the past behind us and allow individuals to compete on their own merits, rather than giving one ethnic group an advantage over another. Whether we have actually reached that point is, of course, debatable.

Write a paper recommending to a company's board of directors that affirmative action policies be implemented It should be 700-1050 words in length and formatted according to APA guidelines Include p?

I can provide a brief outline for the paper recommending the implementation of affirmative action policies: I. Introduction Explanation of affirmative action policies Statement of purpose for the paper II. Benefits of Affirmative Action Discussion of how diversity promotes innovation and creativity Overview of how affirmative action can lead to a more inclusive and equitable workplace III. Legal and Ethical Justification Explanation of laws and regulations requiring diversity initiatives Discussion on the moral imperative of promoting diversity and reducing discrimination IV. Competitive Advantage Research on how diversity can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving Analysis of how a diverse workforce can help attract top talent and increase customer satisfaction V. Implementation Strategy Recommendations for specific affirmative action measures Suggestions for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of these policies VI. Addressing Potential Challenges Acknowledgment of concerns regarding reverse discrimination Strategies for addressing these concerns while still promoting diversity VII. Conclusion Summary of key points advocating for affirmative action policies Call to action for the board of directors to consider implementing these initiatives It is important to expand on these points and provide detailed explanations for each section in the full paper.