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I have never heard of accusations by the Church of Christ against the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is a world-wide federation of particular Churches each headed by a Bishop. To the best of my knowledge the Catholic Press has not addressed any such accusations, nor has the Vatican.

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Q: Does the catholic church defend itself from church of christ accusations?
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When a Catholic is confirmed, they are given special graces to help them stay close to Jesus and to defend themselves against the enemy (Satan). Praying builds a strong bond with God. write on my message board for more info:)

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Confirmation is one of the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. The Code of Canon Law provides a helpful definition:* Can. 879 The sacrament of Confirmation confers a character. By it the baptized continue their path of christian initiation. They are enriched with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and are more closely linked to the Church. They are made strong and more firmly obliged by word and deed to witness to Christ and to spread and defend the faith. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is helpful as well:* 1285 Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the "sacraments of Christian initiation," whose unity must be safeguarded. It must be explained to the faithful that the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace.89 For "by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed."90 For more on the Sacrament of Confirmation, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 1285-1321.

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Roman Catholic AnswerConfirmation is the the last sacrament of initiation that we usually receive (in the Western Church) after Baptism, Penance, and Holy Communion (note: Penance is not one of the sacraments of Initiation, those are Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation). from The Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition, English translation 1994:Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. (Cf. Roman Ritual, Rite of Confirmation (Ordo confirmationis), Introduction 1. For "by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed." (Lumen Gentium 11; cf. Ordo confirmationis, Introduction 2.

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A:The defence is that the Catholic Church apologised to Galileo in 1992. Galileo was long dead and no unable to hear the apology, but the matter is now closed.

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What does red hat's for the Cardinal mean?

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Roman Catholic Answer:In the Latin rite the sacrament of Confirmation is conferred through the anointing with chrism on the forehead, which is done by the laying on of the hand, and through the words: "Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit." The effect of the sacrament if the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit as once granted to the apostles on the day of Pentecost.It brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace.It roots us more deeply in the divine filiation which makes us cry, "Abba! Father!"It unites us more firmly to Christ.It increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us.It renders our bond with the Church more perfect.It gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the cross.from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd edition