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No. The hereditary information is contained in the nucleus (center) of the cell.

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16y ago
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15y ago

Hereditary information is only carried on nucleic acids. The cytoplasm only provides an environment for the inter cellular structures to perform their functions properly.

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11y ago

No. Hereditary information is stored in deoxiribose nucleic acid and transferred in ribose nucleic acid. DNA and RNA.

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14y ago

Yes. Hereditary information is found in cells. That is usually the only place where it is found.

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13y ago

No. The function of the cell membrane is to allow certain substances to enter or to leave the cell. It is the nucleus that stores hereditary information.

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12y ago

No, the cell membrane allows certain materials to pass into/ out of the cell, but other parts of the cell provide storage.

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11y ago

Yes they carry in their nucleus a part of the bodies DNA depending on what kind of cell it is will also depend on the piece of DNA it carries.

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11y ago

cell membrane

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Q: Does the cell membrane carry hereditary information?
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How can you use nuclear membrane in a sentence?

The nuclear membrane surrounds a cell's nucleus, which holds the cell's genetic information in the form of DNA.

Does a animal cell have a cell membrane?

Yes, they both do. The cell membrane is their to allow different liquids in and out. The cell wall, however, is only found in the plant cell, to support and protect the cell. Since the animal cell does not have a cell wall, the cell membrane also serves as support and protection.

What is movement of materials into and out of the cells is controlled by?

The cell membrane is the part of the cell that regulates what goes in and out of the cell. It is a very thin membrane containing the whole cell inside it. If you want to see a cell membrane, heres an easy project you can do. Materials 1 egg 1 jar (glass or plastic) Enough WHITE VINEGAR to fill the jar 1. pour the vinegar into the jar. 2. place the egg in the jar. 3. Wait for a few days. What happens is the eggs shell will dissolve, leaving the membrane exposed. The membrane is very sensitive, so don't apply too much pressure to the outside.

Is the Cell membrane considered to be a part of the Cell's protoplasm?

The cell membrane is made of neither protoplasm nor cellulose.The cell membrane is mostly composed of molecules called phospholipids - which have a phosphate head and a lipid tail.The cell wall of plant cells (which is different to the cell membrane) is made mostly of cellulose.Protoplasm refers to all the living contents of a cell (which are surrounded by the cell membrane).

What components of the cell membrane contribute to the mosaic quality of the cell membrane?

The Phospholipids and other steroids like cholesterol

Related questions

Where the hereditary matrial of the cell is held ecept in bacteria?

The cell membrane

Which organelle surrounds the cell membrane and contains hereditary material?

The Nucleolus of the Nucleus in any eukaryotic cell contains the hereditary material. While, prokaryotic cells hereditary material is located within the cell membrane floating freely in the cytoplasm.

What organelle holds nucleus together?

The nucleus of a cell is surrounded and held together by the nuclear envelope. The nucleus of the cell contains hereditary information.

What is the scientific definition of nucleus?

The nucleus is a membrane bound structure that contains the cell's hereditary information and controls the cell's growth and reproduction. It is commonly the most prominent organelle in the cell.

Do all cell contain hereditary information explain why?

Yes they do, because that hereditary information is what is needed/used to make the cell.

Hereditary information is found ina cell's?

somewhere in the cell.

Where is the hereditary information in the cell contained?


What carries hereditary information for the cell?


What molecule contains the hereditary information for a cell?

The compound that directs cellular activity and transmits hereditary information is called DNA. DNA acts like the brain of the cell and is housed in the nucleus.

What cell membrane does in the cell?

It allows in things that are vital to carry on life in the cell.

What part of the cell is hereditary information found?

in the nucleous.

What structure in a cell holds the hereditary information?