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No the fur is genetic and can affect their personality at all.

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Q: Does the color of a gerbil's fur affect the personality?
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Name him/her depending on fur color, body build, personality, etc.

Do black wolves have a black tongue?

no, the color of the fur doesnt affect the color of the tongue

How would you describe your pet?

you can describe your pet using fur lenth, fur color, size, nose, mouth, ears, beak, and personality.

Does the color of a dog effect how it sheds?

No the color of the fur does not affect how much it sheds. But the thickness and the thinness do affect how much the dog sheds.

What shall you call your guinea pigs?

Look at the color or pattern on your guinea pigs fur, or see its personality.

Do gerbils have red bellies?

No, they should have white or whatever there fur color is for a belly

When do baby gerbils get there fur?

My babies are beginning to grow visible fur and they are 8 days old.

Do gerbils have feathers?

no gerbils don't have feathers, they have fur

Why are gerbils furry?

THey are mammals and they do shed their fur, but you won't notice it.

What abiotic factor influences the color of the snowshoe rabbit's fur?

all rabbits are mammals so their warm blooded. Their fur color has nothing to do with the warmth of a rabbit.The fur color doesn't affect the warmth of a rabbit. Its blood does.

Do Gerbils Have Fur?

Yes they do after all they are mamals but then again dolphins are mamals.

What is happening when your gerbils skin and fur is separating on its underbelly but there is no blood?

That is actually a sent gland. Don;t worry your gerbils fine. :)