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A comma is used when 'and' introduces a new clause. It precedes the 'and'. It would be used in a sentence such as "I went to the cinema with John, and Mary stayed at home." A comma is not used when 'and' joins two words, as in "I went to the cinema with John and Mary."

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Q: Does the comma go before 'and' or after in a sentence?
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Is there a comma after but?

no. if but before is a sentence on its on and after but is a sentence on its own then put a comma before but.

Does the comma go before or after however in the middle of a sentence?

A comma usually comes before and after "however".I would love to go to the beach with you, however, I have to work.

Should a comma come before or after the word so when it comes in the middle of a sentence?

The comma would go after.

Does a comma go before the word before?

Not necessarily. Commas are a feature of sentence structure. There is no word or phrase in English that requires a comma.

Where does the coma go before or after but in a sentence?

The comma goes before the word "but." For example: I was going to spell the word "comma" right, but then I fell into a coma.

Is there a comma before or in a sentence?

The comma, is a way to split a thought or pause mid-sentence. the comma is never found before or after the sentence itself. -3rd grade sentence structure buddy-

Where does the comma go when you use the word 'rather'?

A comma may go before or after, or not be there at all. The placement of commas is entirely a matter of sentence structure. There is no word in English that requires a comma.

Does a comma go before and after MD?

Not necessarily. Commas are a feature of sentence structure.

Should comma be before but or after?

In a compound sentence, the comma would be placed before the word but.

Where does the comma go when you use the word if?

There is no word in English that necessarily requires a comma. Commas are features of the sentence. Sometimes a comma may go before if, for example when it introduces a new clause: We will wear rain-gear, if it becomes necessary. And sometimes a comma may go after if, for example in this sentence, when another thought is inserted into the structure. Generally there is no comma with if.

Does a comma go before the word in?

No, a comma does not go before the word 'in'.