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It's not exactly the fluids that cause it to spread. It's when skin rubs against a blister or sore that causes herpes to spread.

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Q: Does the fluid inside the herpes blister cause it to spread?
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Does herpes cause headaches?

A herpes infection that has spread to the brain causes headache, fever, confusion and sometimes seizures.

What happens when you pop a fever blister?

it typically depends on the conditons i would be cause it helps relive pain right after that i usually put bag-balm on it going from the surrounding area in to pervent further infection. REMEMER not to let dirt and moisture near the area(s), because it thrives on those things.

Can you get herpes type 2 from swallowing semen?

No, swallowing the sperm will not cause herpes. If your partner has herpes, you have already been exposed by the time you reach this stage.

Can you give hpv to your boyfriend?

HPV does not cause herpes and is an unrelated virus. Herpes is caused by HSV. If a woman has HPV or HSV, she could spread them to her partner during sex.

Should you pop your fever blister?

Popping a cold sore is not a good idea .The herpes virus could be in the fluid that comes out.The areas the fluids splash on could have a cold sore there.Dont pop it unless you have to.If you want it to go away,abreva is a good product.

Can drinking a lot of acid cause a fever blister?

Drinking a lot of acid will not cause a fever blister.

Does herpes cause dementia?

Herpes doesn't cause dementia.

What is a cause of coldsores?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. The virus usually enters the body through a break in the skin around or inside the mouth. It is usually spread when a person touches a cold sore or touches infected fluid.

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Do you have herpes if your cold sore wasn't caused by herpes?

The question you ask is more complicated than you might guess, because there is missing information. Here are some facts that may be helpful.A cold sore, by definition, is caused by herpes. You can't have a cold sore that's not caused by herpes."Cold sore" is the common term for a blister or ulcer on the face caused by herpes simplex virus (either type 1 or type 2). There are other causes of facial blisters or ulcers, but these are not called cold sores. Herpes is a very common infection carried by the majority of adults.Just because this sore or blister wasn't caused by herpes, that doesn't mean you don't carry the virus. If the blister or sore was dried when it was tested, a false negative result is possible.Your health care provider can tell you whether this is a likely scenario in your particular case. If your cold sore wasn't caused by herpes, you may have one of these other illnesses or skin conditions.Aphthous ulcers, perlechiae, and burns can cause similar symptoms.

What is the difference between a cold sore fever blister and herpes?

Canker sores an cold sores are not the same thing. Oral herpes is caused by a contagious virus. Cold sores can cause a lot of discomfort or pain and they affect the out side of the mouth. Canker sores are caused by bacteria and as far as I know they are not contagious. Canker sores are raise white slightly itchy masses that occuron the inside of the mouth.

Can herpes cause high protein in blood?

Herpes does not cause high protein in the blood.