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The Fossil Record supports the idea that God created each kind of plant and animal individually. The Fossil Record does not offer any evidence for evolution, because it reveals that God created insects, plants, humans and other living organisms.

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Q: Does the fossil record support the idea of evolution or the idea that God created each kind of plant and animal individually?
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God created evolution?

The Bible’s answer No.The Bible clearly states that God created humans as well as different “kinds “ of animal and plant life.(Genesis 1:12,21,25,27; Revelation 4:11) It says that the entire human family descended from Adam and Eve ,our first parents.(Genesis 3:20;4:1) The Bible account does not support the theory that God used evolution to bring about the different kinds of life,sometimes called theistic evolution. The fact is,though,that nothing in the Bible conflicts with scientific observations that variations occur within each kind of life.

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How fossil provide evidence that evolution has taken place?

Fossils show evidence of evolution by showing a picture to the past and through some methods how DNA of one animal may be similar to that of a modern animal.