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When a sound passes from one medium to another of different [non-zero] density, its speed

and wavelength change, but its frequency doesn't.

It doesn't matter what either medium is, or what source produced the sound.

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Q: Does the frequency of a whales sound made underwater changes after being heard in air?
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Sharks have gills to extract oxygen whereas whales , being mammals , have lungs from which they get their oxygen . Whales need to surface in order to access oxygen while a shark is not burdened with this necessity thus being able to stay underwater indefinitely .

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Some negative effects of sonar are that marine animals like whales and dolphins are being effected and not being able to use their sonar very well. It is proven that the reason whales "beach" is because the tests of low-frequency sonar's mess up the hearing of whales and make them lose their sense of direction.

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The lungs of a whale are definitely incredible. The sperm whale can stay underwater for up to a full 2 hours. Imagine being able to hold your breath for 2 hours.

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Being Whales.

Do Blue Whales jump in to the air?

Blue whales belong to the group Mysticeti, or the baleen whales, and typically produce sounds in the frequency of 10 Hz to over 30 kHz, which is well within the range of human hearing. The problem with hearing underwater sounds in the air, however, lies in the fact that to hear the sound in the air, the underwater sound waves must efficiently cross from the dense water into the much less dense air.Sound is made up of vibrations within a medium, whether that be water or air. Underwater sounds vibrate water molecules, but for those underwater sounds to carry through the air, the vibrating water molecules must transfer their energy to air molecules. The problem with hearing underwater sounds in the air is that the water is rarely still, so that the energy of the underwater sound wave is dissipated, or spread out, over the surface of the water and results in the sound being lost to the waves.If the water were perfectly still, however, the surface of the water may act as a very inefficient membrane (much like a speaker) to transfer the underwater sound waves to the air, but even then the sound would be very distorted due to the inefficiency of the transfer.

Is more or less blood being pumped from the heart after exercise?

The amount of blood never changes, the frequency increases, like heart rate.

What types of whales are being hunted by japan?

Humpbacks, Fin whales, Bryde's whales and Gray whales, some of which are endangered species

Do dolphins sweat?

No, dolphins do not sweat. This marine animal does not have sweat glands and therefore cannot sweat. They keep themselves cool by being in the water.

How are killer whales habitat being destroyed?

Killer Whales habitat are being destroyed by polution. Eventually, if we don't stop poluting, Killer Whales will have nowhere to go to.

What is the underwater building being explored by divers?

There are many items underwater that are found in many places.

Can you feel wet when underwater?

Being underwater does not feel the same as being wet when exposed to the air, because when you are underwater the water on your skin is not evaporating, and doesn't make you feel cold. Nonetheless, a person underwater is wet, even though he or she won't really feel wet.

Why are whales being hunter?

Whales are being hunted because people wanna get with them at night. They are really cool and a lot of humans hump them.