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Yes, the modifier is used correctly. "He spoke sharply to his sister" would be the correct way to write the sentence.

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10y ago

The modifier in that sentence is the word "sharply"

It modifies the verb "to speak"

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Q: What is the modifier in He spoke sharply to his sister?
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Which sentence contains a correctly used modifier?

He spoke sharply to his sister

Which contains a correctly used modifier He spoke sharpky to his sister you feel goodly now that im over the flu The sauce tasted bitterly and you couldnt swallow it Joe looked sad at his broken bike?

"He spoke sharply" means he spoke in a sharp manner. The answer is a."Goodly" has no meaning in sentence b. That sentence calls for the adjective "well."It makes no sense to say the sauce tasted in a bitter manner. The sauce is not a sentient being that performs the act of tasting in a certain way. That sentence calls for "bitter"--an adjective that describes how the sauce tastes.A is the correct answer. The modifier sharply is an adjective to the word spoke. The suffix "ly" in this case is the correct one for the word sharp because it changes the word to make it an adjective rather than a direct object. In B, the word should be "good" as it is a direct object as is the case for C as well.Which sentence below contains a correctly used modifier in italics?

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Yes. It is the adverb form of the adjective sharp, and meaning keenly, strongly, or tersely. His skills had been sharply honed by practice. The car turned sharply to the left. He spoke sharply to his assistant.

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What is S-TV-IO-DO pattern?

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APEX A limiting modifier is a modifier that limits the meaning of another word in the sentence

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What is a tc modifier?

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How do you know when a Modifier is in a sentence?

How you know is you have to read the whole sentence and to find out what a modifier is you have to know what a modifier is

What is a squinting modifier?

squinting modifier is a modifier between two words both of which it could modify. sometimes it is also called a two-way modifier.