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The bigger and stronger the magnet, the more it can carry

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15y ago

no its doesntt.. It doesn't depend on size, it depends on the specific strength of each magnet.

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Q: Does the size of a magnet hold more paper clips?
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Why cant someone hang a ton of paperclips off the end of a magnet?

you can hang as many paper clips as you want until the weight of the paper clips becomes more than the pulling force of the magnet

Why does room temperature magnet attract more paper clips than a hot or cold magnet?

yes becase u need it

Why will one magnet pick up more paper clips than two of the same magnets put together?

I'm not an expert, but it would probably be because the two different electromagnetic fields from the magnets are not lining up. This would cause part of the attractive force to be canceled out, and for less paper clips to stick. It really depends on how you have the magnets put together.

How many paper clips can the surface tension hold?

when I did it I got up to 31 but had no more room in my bowl

An electromagnet has 20 coils around a wood stick and can pick up 5 paper clips Describe how you could modify the electromagnets to pick up more paper clips?

1. You could change the wood stick to an iron rod. 2. You can increase the number of coils. 3. You could increase the power (wattage) through the coil. 3 ways you can modify the electro-magnet to pick up more paper clips, probably more available.

Can you make a homemade diaper?

yes you can all you have to do is get a soft shirt paper clips tissue and that's it then you have to get the shirt put the soft tissue in the shirt then to make it hold up put the bpaper clips at the end of the shirt put it on the baby then get some more paper clips to make the diaper stay!

Why the bar magnet attracts the paper clip with more force?

probably because the paper clip weighs less against the magnet

What is a stroke method of making magnet?

First, grab an iron nail. Next, grab a bar magnet. Stroke the iron nail with the bar magnet at least 20 times. You can increase the strength by stroking it more. Now, bring the iron nail near some paper clips. It attracts them! Science is cool!

When adding more paper to a magnet on refrigerator why does it cause the magnet to fall off?

The magnet is losing its magnetic connection to the fridge.


Well, let's see. If I have a paper clip on a table and a magnet in my hand, and I slowly pass the magnet over the paper clip, the magnet in my hand is pulling the paper clip up with magnetism. If my magnet is close enough to the paper clip, the paper clip will jump up to the magnet ... even though the whole Earth is pulling it down with gravity.

Does a cat weigh more than 150 paper clips?

Cats weigh around 8-10 pounds on average. So yes, they weigh more than 150 paper clips.

Why is it easier to bend paper clips than hair grips?

because paper clips are not as strong as hair grips and there is more mateal used for hair grips a swell.