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Q: Does the standard chlorine test for pools test total chlorine or free chlorine?
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Do all pools have chlorine in them?

no they dont you can buy of the internet chlorine free

How can you make your pool saline and not chlorine?

There is a common misconception that salt water swimming pools are chlorine free. Salt used in pools is "sodium chloride" When the salt water goes thru the generator the chlorine is released.

Who has any information on how effective chlorine free swimming pools are?

No sanitizer? Not safe! Especially for females.

What if your total chlorine is high and your free chlorine is low?

You need to shock the pool. The difference between Total Chlorine and Free Chlorine is tied up and it will be cleared by shocking. Thatis the purpose of shocking.

Are salt water pools really free of bacteria?

Unless the water is tested, you cannot really assume that it is free from bacteria. When salt water undergo electronic hydrolysis, it turns to chlorine. However it is not as potent or as harsh as chlorine-treated water. Some people choose salt water for their pools because they do not want the smell of chlorine. In addition, it's not harsh on the skin and eyes, as what most children complain from swimming in chlorine-treated swimming pools.

What is free chlorine in a pool?

Free Chlorine is the Chlorine which is free to do its work in the pool, as opposed to Combined Chlorine which is chlorine that has combined with contaminants and is tied up and ineffective as a sanitizer in the pool. Sometimes you will see it abbreviated as FAC, which stands for Free Available Chlorine.

What is the difference between free chlorine and total chlorine?

Combined chlorine is when the chlorine molecule has attached itself to other molecules in water. In other words it has "combined" with something else in the water. Those could be iron, manganese, ammonia or other things depending on the source water. Free chlorine is the molecules that are "free" in the water to do the disinfection.

What do you need to do if your free chlorine level is higher than your total chlorine level?

Get a new test kit or new test reagents. Total Chlorine is the measure of free and combined chlorine, therefore the free chlorine cannot be higher than the Total Chlorine. You can't put 10 gallons of water in a 5 gallon bucket.

What is total residual chlorine?

Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) is the total of free available residual chlorine and combined (bound) residual chlorine. The amount of measurable chlorine remaining after treating water with chlorine i.e. amount of chlorine left in water after the chlorine demand has been satisfied

Are there Maintenance free pools?

No pool is maintenance free. There are options like, salt chlorine systems and automatic cleaners that help to reduce the maintenance but nothing is or should be free of maintenance.

What to do if total chlorine level is at 3 and free chlorine level is at 10?

my free chlorine level is way to high above ten my pool is 12 by 24 what can i do to fix it

Can you swim in pool hat has a normal chlorine level but the free chlorine level is high?

There is 3 measurements of chlorine in a pool or spa. Total chlorine, combined chlorine, and free available chlorine. Free available chlorine is the good chlorine that is active in the pool killings germs and algae. Combined chlorine is chlorine is basically chlorine that was once active but has killed germs or bacteria and is now inactive in the pool. Total chlorine is free available and combined chlorine added together. If your combined chlorine is higher than free available chlorine then the water needs to be shocked to eliminate the combined chlorine. But be careful here. If you don't reach what's called break point you will only add to the combined chlorine. There are products on the market which will only remove combined chlorine without effecting your free available chlorine if you are unsure about reaching breakpoint. Hope this helps.