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Yes, though it is slight, the volume increase is measurable when the temperature of salt water increases.

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Q: Does the volume of salty water increase when its temperature increases?
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Why is oceans water more salty than average in warm and dry places?

Ocean water is more salty in warm and dry places because when temperature increases the water evaporates and leaves the salt behind increasing salinity.

When pancake mix is too salty what do you do?

It is not possible to remove salt once it is combined in a mix. The most reasonable thing to do with pancake mix that is too salty is to dispose of it, then make or buy a different mix. If for some reason the salty mix must be used, you can increase the volume of the recipe by adding proportional amounts of all the ingredients except salt.

What is the relationship between water temperature and ocean depth?

Well as you go further down into the ocean, it will be colder. Usually but not always!! Temperature and salinity affect the density of seawater, and in many systems, density increases with depth (as temperature decreases and salinity increases). IT is however possible to observe patterns where dense water at depth is either very salty but warm, or very cold, but nearly fresh.

Should you increase your water consumption after a salty meal to flush out the salt?

It is not completely necessary because the body can keep a constant internal environment via homeostasis, however it is advisable to increase water consumption after a salty meal.

How can salt affecting the temperature of boiling water be of practical value?

Salty water boils at a different temperature than plain water

Do salty food make you hungry?

Yes - not only hungry but thirsty as well.

Does water boil faster if it contains salt?

Salty water boils at a higher temperature than pure water does.

Why are persons with high blood pressure advised to reduce the amount of salt in their diets?

The more sodium in your blood, the more blood volume increases because sodium attracts and retains water. As a result, the heart has to work harder to move the increased volume of blood through your blood vessels. This creates increased strain on the arteries and high blood pressure. Have you ever eaten a very salty meal and then been thirsty afterwards? That is the salt acting to increase your thirst. Then when you drink something, this fluid adds to the volume of blood inside the blood vessels. This increases blood pressure.

How are fresh water and salt water different?

Salt water is more salty. And denser. As a result of this it boils at a higher temperature.

A cork is floating in salty water As more salt is added to the water to increase its density the cork will?

it float at the same level in water.

What are the effects of salt on water temperature?

As the temperature of the water goes up, the higher the potential for an increase in salinity. In other words if you have warm water and you put in salt, or whatever dissolvent (sugar, chemicals, etc.), and come to a maximum (you start seeing dissolvent form at the top or bottom of the water) you can add more if you increase the temperature of the water. The opposite is also true, if you have very saline water and want to make it less saline cool the water and some salt, or dissolvent will come out of solution*. * Note; this will only work if the dissolvent is at the maximum amount for that temperature. If the dissolvent is less than the maximum for that temperature nothing will come out, that is why salt water in the ocean can freeze and still be salt water it's just less salty.

Is the river thames salty?

Is the River Thames Salty? Yes and no. The River Thames is tidal between Teddington (near Richmond) and its mouth in the North Sea, meaning that it rises and falls with the tides. This makes the Thames a bit salty in this area. However, the salinity increases gradually as you move towards the sea, meaning that even at Battersea, the water can still be regarded as 'fresh water' and not salty. you can find out more here: