

Does the weather in Lebanon affect the crops?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Does the weather in Lebanon affect the crops?
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Weather affects crops everywhere. The type of weather and the crops determine what the affect is going to be.

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the rain helped the crops grow

How weather can affect agriculture and the growing of food?

to much rain damage crops

How does weather affect agriculture?

weather affects agriculture: # too much rain can damage the crops. # too less rain can make the crops dry. # different crops need more or less water and if they didn't get them they fail to grow and we don't get crops

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the effect was that the all crops will destroy and another one was that we will die if one the weather all

How does climate affect farmers?

When the weather gets too cold, crops can die of freezing temperatures. In the other hand, if the weather gets too hot, crops can die of dehydration/lack of water.

What are Lebanon's chief crops?

Main crops in Lebanon include Cereals (mainly wheat and barley), fruits and vegetables, olives, grapes, and tobacco..

How can climate and weather affect people in Texas?

The persipitation(rain) affect people in Texas. People have to time when to plant and harvest their crops.

How does weather affect the daily activities of people?

Weather affects the clothes that we wear, the kind of sports played by humans, our events, and the kind of crops grown in the area.

How does climate affect the crops grown between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian mountains?

The climate affects the crops grown between the Rocky and Appalachian mountains by changing the weather in order for the crops to grow strong and healthy.

How does weather and climate affect food and water supplies?

The weather can affect the price of foods by ruining crops. Droughts can cause crops to not grow, which impacts that price of foods by driving it up. An example of this is frost that impacts Florida oranges can run the crops and cause a rise in the price of orange juice.

Why does the change in Temperature affect your lives?

A change in temperature can affect our lives by affecting our food sources. Cold weather may freeze our crop and arid weather may dry out our crops. If we have no food, we die. Our water sources may disappear.