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No toothpaste kills the herpes virus.

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Q: Does toothpaste kill herpes
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Does toothpaste get rid of herpes?

nothing can get rid of herpes

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Can toothpaste on the penis cause red bumps or rash under the foreskin which is not open itchy or painful 3 days after use or is it herpes?

You may want to get this looked at as it is possible that it could be genital herpes if you have been exposed to them. Not sure about the toothpaste aspect but it is possible it may be a reaction if you have had toothpaste on your penis as the area of skin is very sensitive.

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Can you kill a shark with toothpaste?

Sure. Pack 300 pounds of toothpaste into a 200 pound shark, and presto!

How did Maxine kill George Klingstead?

He Had Herpes

In Which Bond Film Did He Use Explosive Toothpaste?

License to kill

What is the difference between toothpaste with fluoride and toothpaste without fluoride?

Flouride is the main ingredient in toothpaste and will kill the germs and toothpaste is with less flouride but is still very effective but flouride is stronger and works faster but I recommend using both

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Tyler has herpes on his weiner

Can swallowing toothpaste after brushing cause infection or urinary track infections?

it can kill you

Can toothpaste kill orangutans?

toothpaste is killing orangutans because toothpaste has plam tree oil in it and orangutans live in those trees! use the old fashion way of brushing your teeth or get toothpase without palm oil!

Does toothpaste actually kill plaque?

not at all, it just make your breath smell good, its only the toothbrush that does.