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Ingesting Gelatin and water does not stop marijuana from showing up on a drug screen...The myth is that ingesting gelatin and water masks the marijuana by coating the bladder and not allowing the drug traces into the urine...

But what they fail to realise is that marijuana does not enter the urine via the bladder walls...The Marijuana that enters your body is in the blood stream and all your blood is processed(filtered/cleaned) by the liver and the kidneys so the chemicals from the drug enter your urine long before the urine reaches the bladder...

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Q: Does using gelatin packets mask marijuana tests or make them test clean and if so how many packets do you use and how mush water so you need to drink?
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yes cystex will clean your system of will also have to drink lots of fluids

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If you don't use marijuana for 45 days your system will be fairly clean from marijuana even if you don't drink water... probably clean enough to pass a drug test, at any rate.One problem is that the active compounds of marijuana ... the ones that drug tests look for ... are more soluble in fat than in water. So drinking water doesn't help as much as you might think.

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Get cranberries smash them up and drink the juice but also drink water lots of water so you can pee it out of you body

Will not smoking marijuana and drinking vinger and a lot of water will that clean your urine?

yes but not to much vinegar like a teaspoon of it but you can drink lots of water also drink pickle juice

How do you be clean for a marijuana drug test in a week?

Flush with water. Drink as much as you can. Avoid the bud for a couple of days.

Can vinegar clean urine from marijuana?

yes, it will clean your whole system out in a matter of need to drink 2 cups of straight vinegar and i promise you that you will pass your test

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No you will not be. Marijuana will stay in the blood stream for about a week to 5 days then it will fade away

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If an energy drink has niacin in it does it clean your system of marijuana?

no, because only water, exercise, and time can clean THC from your system.