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The answer is ...YES! It is an opiate and shows up as such. Again, there is no problem if you have a prescription for the drug. The companies have drug testing to eliminate people who are abusing substances and who therefore may be a danger to themselves and others.

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Yes, but after "x" amount of hours, it will not show up.

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It's very highly probable that it will show up.

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Q: Will vicodin show up positive on a swab drug test if it was taken the night before?
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If you have taken vicodin the day before your drug test is there any way to get it out of your system?


If you have a prescription for vicodin and you have taken one before you go to take a urine analysis but bring your prescription in with you and it comes up positive will they still call it failing?

Im not sure, consult your physician or doctor about that.

Can vicodin be taken 2 days prior to surgery?

For an adult, given a standard dosage of about 5 - 10 mg of hydrocodone in a Vicodin, and without any sensitivity to the acetaminophen in the Vicodin (such as the case with liver problems), then it should be fine to take a Vicodin 2 days before a surgery. The half-life of Vicodin is about 1 - 4 hours. So, plenty of it will have metabolized out of your system before the surgery takes place.

Can magic mushrooms be taken with Vicodin?

why not?

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Will taking vicodin the night before getting a series of fasting blood tests for B12 deficiency and lyme disease and diabetes and cholesterol affect the outcome of these tests?

I had this exact issue come up last year. I told the doctor that I had taken 2 vicodin the night before for my shoulder and asked m Doctor if it would affect my choleterol test, he said no. I have high cholesterol anyways and it was no different this time so I can't tell you whether it scewed my test results as all. He did say no though. Hope this helps.

Can Adderall and Vicodin be taken together?

Yeah sure go ahead might make you feel real good right before you stop breathing..

Does vicodin and hydrocodone show up the same in urine?

Yes, a positive is a positive no matter what mg you have taken. If you are being tested and you have a legal prescription, it will not count against you as long as you can prove it to the person giving you the drug test.

Can you take Vicodin and warfarin together?

can vicodin be taken when you're on coumadin r/t my sister just had three teeth pulled and a prescription for vicodin was given

Is 17 negative 17?

No. A number without a sign before it is always taken to be positive.

Can you take Vicodin with remeron?

Yes, remeron can be taken with Tylenol. If it is Tylenol mixed with codeine, check with your doctor before taking it.