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Wood undergoes pyrolysis as it burns. Pyrolysis is the destructive distillation of the wood, producing gasses, which burn as they leave the wood, and carbon, which will also eventually burn. This is how wood normally burns.

There is a link to an article on pyrolysis below.

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Q: Does wood undergo pyrolysis before it burns?
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Does wood undergo a physical change before it burns?

No. It is a chemical change.

Does wood undergo pyrolysis?

Yes, by dry heating without acces to air. One of the products -besides of charcoal- is ' spirit of wood' which is methanol, CH3OH. (toxic, blindness)

When wood burns is that sublimation?

No. Sublimation is a physical phase change in which a solid vaporizes without going through a liquid change. Sublimation does not involve a chemical change. Iodine sublimes, passing directly from solid to gas. Clearly, this is not what happens when wood burns. When wood burns, the first thing that happens is that the wood undergoes pyrolysis, which is decomposition resulting from heat, or destructive distillation. The wood decomposes into a number of gasses, including carbon monoxide, methanol, and a large number of other carbon based chemicals. These combine with air and oxidize, producing mostly carbon dioxide and water. After the initial pyrolysis, charcoal remains. This burns with air, producing carbon dioxide and ash. There are links below to articles on sublimation and pyrolysis.

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Wood in a fireplace. When woods burns it gives of heat, a form of energy. Thus the wood has more potential energy.

How does a fireplace work?

it burns the wood