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If you poke it, then yes.

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Q: Does your body know what stage of sleep you are in if so how?
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Is sleep stage of sleep referred to as deep sleep?

There are 4 stages of sleep: Stage 1, Stage 2, Slow wave sleep, and REM. The stages occur in that order. Stage 1 occurs as you are falling asleep, and REM occurs last and contains the craziest dreams. REM is the most difficult to awaken from, so it is likely the stage that you have heard referred to as 'deep sleep'.

How the body recovers from physical activity?

by making u tired so u sleep. the body recovers when u sleep

Is sleep a rest to body or soul?

body. you sleep because you need to rest your muscles or because you have so little energy that your brain forces you into sleep to conserve what is left.

How long will i sleep if i didn't sleep in 24 hours?

Prob all day i don't really know to be honest because it just depends on how much sleep your body needs some body's need a short amount of time and some need longer amount of time so we cant really say ...

Why is it important to get regular sleep?

Well you body needs it! Without sleep you wouldn't be able to concentrate, you would feel tired and sleepy and you would get sick all the time because your body wouldn't be able to fight off viruses when they attack. Viruses get you at your weakest stage like when you haven't eaten or slept and then they attack because your body doesn't have the energy to fight the viruses off.

What can you do to get more sleep?

Relax your mind and body. Do technique and make a routine so that its not hard for you to get sleep when you wanted.

How can rest promote health?

During sleep, the body grows and repairs itself. So without sufficient sleep, the body is more susceptible to sickness.

Do you have day and night so you know when to go to sleep?

Perhaps, you didn't know, but humans need to sleep. I don't know how you are still alive if you didn't know about it. Humans usually sleep at night and do the rest at the midday.

What time of the night do you dream?

In stage five of your sleep cycle, which is about 90 minutes after we go to sleep, and the cycle repeats throughout the night. So about every 90 minutes.

What are the ways to put your body at rest?

Do not make your body very that, you will sleep or rest well...

How do you sleep on your neck so it hurts the next day?

When we are sleep neck up over the body high then our neck pain.

How did REM start?

There are five stages of sleep. Stage 1 being the one you first enter, then followed by stage 2, 3 and 4. As you descend into deeper sleep your brain frequency slows down. In stage 4 can it be slower than one cycle per second (delta sleep). After some time spent in stage 4, about 25 minutes, you return to stage 3 and 2, then straight into REM sleep. About 90 minutes has passed now since you started sleeping. 5-10 minutes is spent in this stage before you go all the way down to stage 4 again (also called non-REM sleep). When approximately 90 minutes have again passed, another REM-period start. This time the REM sleep lasts longer. And as time progresses less time in non-REM sleep is needed and more time is spent in REM sleep. After 4-5 hours you don't go lower than stage 2. Vivid dreaming takes place in REM sleep, so the more you sleep, the more time is spent in REM.