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Not in the sense I think you are asking. The force is your hand and the pushing against the handle. The reaction is the handle moving. It's true, your push on the handle lets water in, but that is a reaction to the faucet opening. I'm not sure action/reaction can apply to this because what do you use to bracket the equation? You can keep expanding both sides of it. You opening the handle cause a pump miles away to pump a little bit harder to make up for the pressure loss.

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Q: Does your push on the handle and the force of the water flowing out comprise an action -reaction pair when your hand turns the handle of a faucet on?
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Does keeping water flowing waste energy?

Water flowing, as in from a faucet? Yes. Aside from wasting water, the water has been purified at a water treatment plant (in most cases), which requires energy, and also must be pumped to the point of use (the faucet), which also requires energy.

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It won't stop suddenly, but will reduce the flow so you get less and less water.

Three examples of fluids flowing from high pressure to low pressure?

A faucet and spray paint unfortunately I can't think of a third one I hope this helps though!

Why is the water flowing into your Maytag real slow?

Water pressure, how far the valve is open on the faucet probably should be looked at first. If the hoses are old, you might check for leaks.

Which of these faucet parts is the aerator?

A faucet aerator is usually attached to the end of a faucet.

How do you say faucet in English?

The faucet is also called the Water Tap in English.

Can a kitchen faucet sprayer be installed without installing a new faucet?

No, if the current faucet doesn't have a sprayer, there is no place on the faucet to attach the sprayer. It would attach on the underneath side of the faucet in the center.

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a drinking faucet

What is the plural of faucet?

u spell it faucet it is rite on DA question

why we should close all the taps before we leave the sciencelaboratory?

because it helps to prevent any water from accidentally leaking or spilling out. Just like turning off the faucet at home to stop water from flowing. :-/

How many gallons of water does a kitchen faucet use?

The faucet itself does not use any water. The rate at which the water leaves the faucet is dependent on the make of the faucet.