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the Renaissance

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Q: During what period in history did Europe see a rebirth of ancient Greek and Roman classics and ideas?
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What was the focus during the renaissance?

A rebirth from the Dark Ages.

Which period history was influenced by the classical by the greek and rome?

The classics had a strong influence on the education of the European elites from the 15th century (during the Renaissance) to the mid-20th century.

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The rebirth of freedom in the Philippines was during the years 1946 to 1970. This time is known for great literature.

What knowledge was reborn during the Renaissance?

The Renaissance was a time of rebirth of knowledge and technology from ancient Rome and Greece. This new interest in the classical period affected the architecture, art, and literature that was popular at the time.

In what sense was the Renaissance a rebirth?

In the sense of art during the era of the Renaissance.

The rebirth of science and learning during the 15th century is termed the?

The Renaissance.

What was the single largest industry during the old kingdom?

Agriculture as was throughout the history of Ancient Egypt and beyond.

What happened during this time that makes Renaissance a very appropriate name?

Because Renaissance meant rebirth, and it was the rebirth of Greek and Roman art in Europe.