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First expedition

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Q: During which expedition did Livingstone travel on the ocean?
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Which expedition did Livingstone travel on the ocean?

First expedition

What large river flowing into the Indian ocean did Livingstone travel?

Zambezi river

What large river flowing into the Indian Ocean did Livingstone travel along?

Zambezi river

What was found during the expedition?

"the expedition"which expedition? Lewis and clark's expedition?Rivers (sort of freeway routes back then), new animals and plants, new tribes and their locations, all sort of landscapes, and the pacific ocean.

When did Linois's expedition to the Indian Ocean happen?

Linois's expedition to the Indian Ocean happened in 1804.

What did Lewis and Clark do during their expedition?

They explored the west and discovered new plants and animals. They travelled to the pacific ocean and then turned back. Their expedition started at what is now St. Louis, Missouri.

Who lead the first European expedition to reach Pacific Ocean?

Magellan led the first European expedition to reach the Pacific Ocean.

What places were visited during Magellan's expedition?

Magellan's expedition of 1519-1522 became the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean (then named "peaceful sea" by Magellan; the passage being made via the Strait of Magellan), and the first to cross the Pacific. It also completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth, although Magellan himself did not complete the entire voyage, being killed during the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines.

What was the first expedition to use scientific measuring devices to study the ocean?

seast expedition

What is a chronometer and what is its significance in the exploration of the ocean?

A chronometer is an certified accurate watch or clock that is not affected by the humidity and temperature changes experienced during ocean travel.

What was the reason that Lewis and Clark took the expedition?

The reason they went on the expedition was to find the Pacific Ocean.

During the first part of this trip, Coronado traveled alone the coast of what ocean?

During the first part of his expedition, Francisco Vázquez de Coronado traveled along the coast of the Gulf of California (also known as the Sea of Cortez), which is an extension of the Pacific Ocean.