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a carbon atom can share electrons with up to four other atoms.

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pairs o f atoms can carbon share its electrons

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Q: How many other pairs of atoms can carbon share its electrons with?
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How many electrons would carbon have to gain to form a covalent bond?

Carbon atoms do not gain electrons to form a covalent bond. Carbon atoms form four covalent bonds by sharing its four valence electrons with the valence electrons of other atoms. These can be single bonds, in which one pair of electrons is shared; double bonds, in which two pairs of electrons are shared; or triple bonds, in which three electrons are shared; or a combination of these.

What is Double carbon-carbon bond?

A carbon=carbon bond is a characteristic of alkenes and is two pairs of electrons bonding two carbon atoms together.

A chemical bond in which two atoms share three pairs of electrons 6 electrons is an?

Two atoms sharing three pairs of electrons have a triple bond.

How many electron pairs are shared between carbon atoms in a molecule that has the formula C2H4?

in C2H6 only one pair of electrons are shared between the carbon atoms.

How many paire of electrons do the two oxygen atoms in an oxygen molecule share with each other?

They share two pairs of electrons and have 2 lone pairs

The number of electrons shared among the carbon atoms in a benzene ring is?

3x single C-C bonding pairs: 3x2= 6 electrons 3x double C=C bonding pairs: 3x(2x2)= 12 electrons Total: 18 electrons

What happens to the electrons in a covalent?

The pairs of electrons are shared between atoms.

Describe the general location of electrons in a covalent bond?

The general location of electrons in a covalent bond is that electrons are shared in pairs between 2 atoms. If 2 electrons pairs are shared, 4 electrons are shared in all. They lie between the two nuclei of the bonding atoms. The shared electrons are typically near the middle of the bond between the 2 atoms, in a covalent bond. They may be slightly closer to 1 atom or the other, due to small differences in electronegativity.

How many bonded pairs of electrons are in C3H6O?

1molecule of C2H6 contains 2 carbon atoms

In methane the total number of groups of electrons on the central atom is?

There are four pairs of electrons around the central carbon atom of methane. These pairs each consist of one electron originally from the carbon and one from the hydrogen atom bonded to it.Though the question only considers the outer shell of electrons, as that is the only shell used for bonding, it may be useful to remember that in methane the carbon atom has a total of ten electrons around it, due to its two inner electrons.

Covalent bonding of one atom to another is the result of?

It is formed by a pair of electrons shared between 2 atoms. the nucleus of the atoms attract each other, and 2 atoms share a pair of electrons. This is a single covalent bond. In a double covalent bond, 2 pairs of electrons are shared between 2 atoms. 3 pairs are shared in triple bonds.