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eggnog was created in holland.

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Q: What city in the US was the first to consume eggnog?
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What US city was eggnog first consumed?


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Eggnog was first consumed in what us city?

The eggnog is a farm drink . In early days, the milk was creamed , and the spent milk was mixed with egg yolk to make it thick as a fresh healthy drink for the poor farm workers.In Britain & Europe the drink was popular.The word nogmeans wooden mug used by the poor farmers to drink ale which they fermented.Often after the butter was churned, the spent milk was not wasted but fermented with sugar to make it an intoxicating drink for the poor farmers and mixed with egg yolk to make it a thick frothy ale .Those who could not afford wine or other alcoholic drinks drank eggnog and it was probably introduced by the early settlers who bred cattle and built small farms in the Virginia colony in Jamestown as early as 1607.In later period when taxes were imposed on alcohol, eggnog became a popular alternative drink in USA with concoctions and variation in eggnog drink.Today eggnog mixed with alcohol is also served during festivity.

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