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Dwight D. Eisenhower was WWII. He served as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces. He was a five star general in the United States Army.

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Q: Eisonhower was in what war?
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What State was Dwight D. Eisonhower born in?

Dwight D. eisonhower was born on october 14 1890 in denisoon, Texas

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How old was Dwight Eisonhower during World War 2?

When WWII started for the US on 7 December 1941, Eisenhower was 51

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What president had no political experience but was a university president?

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After Eisenhower left office, John Kennedy became president.

Who was the commander of Allies on western front in World War 1?

General Eisonhower Sorry, Wrong War. Eisenhower led during World War II. The Alllies during World War I were lead by several commanders, as there was not a Joint Effort like there was in World War II. Sir Douglas Haig was the Commander of the British forces, for example, and Marshal Petain led the French.

What was a one failure of Dwight David Eisonhower?

In my opinion, it was that he signed a deal with the French that if they left Viet Nam that the United States would go in. This leads to the Viet Nam war a few years later.

How much is a 1971 US Eisonhower dollar coin worth?

If it's not proof or a very high mint state coin, it's face value

European war was the longest war in the war?

Nope acctualy the longest war of the war before the war was acctualy not even a war it was a acctual war.

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War is war is a term to say all wars are alike and war is a war means wars are only bad.

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The Great War. The Great War. The Great War. The Great War.