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Electrical excitation of a muscle fiber. Skeletal

muscle fibers (cells) can be stimulated either by amotor neuron in the body or by a voltage stimulator

in the lab. Stimulation given by either method results

in a depolarization of the sarcolemma. If the

depolarization reaches threshold, an action potential

(electrical signal) is initiated.

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cross bridge formation "Excitation-contraction coupling" connects muscle fiber excitation to the muscle fiber contraction (cross bridge formation). During contraction, myosin heads form cross bridges many times-with each cross bridge generating a small amount of tension in the muscle fiber.

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cross bridge formation "Excitation-contraction coupling" connects muscle fiber excitation to the muscle fiber contraction (cross bridge formation). During contraction, myosin heads form cross bridges many times-with each cross bridge generating a small amount of tension in the muscle fiber.

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HORRIBLY CONDENSED. An electrical event of sufficient strength from the end of a nerve to pass into a muscle fiber(s) (end plate) resulting fiber(s) tension. The more electrical events 'spikes" per second (rate coding) to a point the greater, to a point, the tension(s).

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Tonus (relaxation), Excitation (neural stimulation, Clonus (contraction), Tetanus (prolonged contraction), return to Tonus (relaxation) Or Excitation, Excitation-Contraction Coupling, Contraction, Relaxation

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