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This dream is not about anything that will happen in the future, but expresses your emotions about a problem you have right now. The elephant represents some issue that seems as big as an elephant. You might be trying to avoid this problem in real life, but it won't go away on its own. In fact, as the dream illustrates, it feels as if this issue is chasing you whatever you do. The message of this dream is that you must stop "running away," that is, stop avoiding the issue and resolve it. Face the problem directly and solve it.

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11y ago
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14y ago

An elephant represents a large block or obstacle. So, the dream suggests that a very large obstacle is heading towards you and this will create a period of sustained difficulty. The dream is a message to reconsider your plans because the ones you are currently pursuing are going to get bogged down.

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13y ago

Chase dreams almost always result from the dreamer "running away from" problems in real life. Some individuals are able to utilize lucid dreaming as a way of controlling and redirecting the sequence of a dream. But recognizing what one is avoiding in real life, and dealing with that issue also will bring the dreams to an end.

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13y ago

An elephant in your dream denotes, knowledge, power, strength it can also mean thick skinned.

Depending on the details of your dream can depend on the interpretation, It could signify that you have a great burden that you are trying to get away from or a memory that you are trying to remember.

My personal interpretation is that you have a burden you can see coming and don't want to carry.

In the related link source below is a fuller detail of elephants in dreams see if you can pick out more details there.

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9y ago

It means that you are avoiding a big issue in your real life. In common usage, a "white elephant" is something random or unexpected. All together, the dream shows that you are trying to avoid dealing with a big, unexpected, possibly incomprehensible issue. The solution is to stop trying to run away and deal directly with whatever it is that is happening in your life.

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12y ago

Dreams deal in symbols and metaphors. The elephant in this dream represents something in real life that the dreamer viewed as an enormous problem. It seems that the dreamer expected dreadful results, but has experienced only a close call. No harm actually occurred. For example, perhaps the dreamer expected to lose his/her house in recent floods, but the levy held and disaster did not occur.

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9y ago

A elephant in a dream represents authority. Bing chased in a dream represents avoidance. Combined they mean to stop running away and meet the issue head on.

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