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Q: What kind of energetic in Romania have started successful businesses that added jobs to the economy?
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What type of economy was Romania?

Before 1989 Romania has a socialist, planned economy, state economy.

What is Romania's economy?

yes in fact Romania is a mixed economy. this is a legit answer, indeed :D

What type of economy does Romania has?

A free economy

What factors are holding back Romania's economy?

the factors that are holding back Romania's economy communist policies.

The economy of Romania suffered in the 1990s because of what?

During the Communist leadership the economy of Romania was in a continuous progress up to 1980; after 1980 the economy was in decline. After 1991, due to European Union and other internal causes the economy of Romania was destroyed.

What have the Romania's economy predicted?

Any serious predictions exist in Romania.

What type of businesses do well in really bad economy's?

What type of Businesses do well in bad economy's?

What is Romania's type of economy?

Undeveloped destroyed after 1990 but it was a free market economy.

Does Romania have a free market economy?

The economy of Romania was practically destroyed after 1990.

What Romanias economy improved dramatically in the lte 1990s?

After 1990 the economy of Romania was destroyed.

How did communism change Romania's economy?

During communism the economy was modernized, developed, expanded.

How did Romania's leader change their economy?

Destroying and improvising !