

Evidences that earth revolve around the sun?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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There are four main areas of physical evidence that the Earth is moving around the Sun and not the other way around.

Gravity - gravity states that the more massive an object the more it will pull other objects to it. In order for orbits to work properly the Earth must be going around the Sun and not the other way around, otherwise gravity vs. orbit would cause the Sun to shoot off... However, gravity is still only a theory and physicists haven't yet proved its existence... (no really!)

James Bradley discovered steller aberrations in 1725 - these are a visible effect that causes stars in the sky to move and wobble which is a direct result of the Earth's movement.

Bessel documented stellar parallax in 1838 - parallax is an effect where an object appears to move because the viewer's position has moved, the same as looking through one eye and then another, everything appears to shift slightly.

Finally, the Doppler effect can be used to determine if an object is moving towards or away from another object as the light will experience a slight shift towards the red end of the spectrum (for moving away) or the blue end of the spectrum (for getting closer). The observations of far away stars indicates that we move not only in relation to the Sun, but also in relation to them.

There are of course plenty of people that still believe the Earth is the center of the universe and that the Sun goes around the Earth. Presumably then the far of stars are just doing a dance to confuse physicists...? :)

during the annual orbit of the sun there is a measurable redshift / blueshift of the stars in the sky as we move towards them and away from them.

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Here's one. Maybe other contributors will add some more. If you pick one star in the night sky, and go out and look at it on every clear night, you'll notice that it returns to the same spot in the sky about 4 minutes earlier every night than the night before. If you remember that your wristwatch is built to follow the sun, you'll realize that the sun is 'moving through the stars' day by day. Now take that (roughly 4 minutes per day) that you measured, and see how much it adds up to in 365 days. Surprise ... in 365 days, it totals up to 24 hours ! Now use your imagination, and you'll be able to see in your mind's eye that this is exactly what you'd expect to see if the earth is revolving around the sun once a year. =====================================================

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