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Conditioning Example: Put conditioner in your hair and it gets softer

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a stimulus that is initially neutral and produces no reliable response in an organism.

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Q: Example of conditioning
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What is the best way to differentiate operant conditioning from classical conditioning?

I think... With classical conditioning, the conditional stimulus is presented before the unconditional stimulus to form a conditioned response. For example, training a dog to return when a whistle is blown. With operant conditioning, reinforcement is presented after the response. For example, rewards (positive reinforcement) are given for good behaviour. Punishment (negative reinforcement) for bad. Hope this helps... Classical conditioning was discovered accidentally by Pavlov.

How can you apply classical conditioning with a salesclerk example?

I should hope that you don't attempt classical conditioning with a salesclerk. Operant conditioning may be appropriate, but if you're planning to do surgery on the salesclerk to measure saliva flow or acidity of the stomach, you will probably run into some obstacles.

What is operant conditioning approach?

Operant conditioning is a type of conditioning where we learn something because it is immediately followed by a pleasant effect. That pleasant effect is sometimes a direct reward. For example, an animal might learn to press a lever to avoid getting shocked; or a schoolgirl might do her homework purely to avoid getting into trouble the next day. This is my understanding of operant conditioning. Hope it helped in any way.

Why classical conditioning is called classical?

Probably because it was the first kind of conditioning to be demonstrated and studied. See Pavlov As eluded to above, classical conditioning is called such because it was the first kind of conditioning to be studied and demonstrated. However, the term "classical" also is used to differentiate this type of conditioning from "Operant Conditioning" which was first demonstrated by B.F. Skinner.

What is another name for Operant Conditioning?

Operant Conditioning is also called Skinner after B.F. Skinner who created the Skinner Box.

Related questions

Is operant conditioning in the Bible?

samson in the bible is a good example

What is the best way to differentiate operant conditioning from classical conditioning?

I think... With classical conditioning, the conditional stimulus is presented before the unconditional stimulus to form a conditioned response. For example, training a dog to return when a whistle is blown. With operant conditioning, reinforcement is presented after the response. For example, rewards (positive reinforcement) are given for good behaviour. Punishment (negative reinforcement) for bad. Hope this helps... Classical conditioning was discovered accidentally by Pavlov.

What is conditioning in psychology?

In general terms, conditioning is basically training a person or animal to act a certain way in response to a specific event or item. There are two forms of conditioning, classical and operant. In classical conditioning, events are linked to specific behaviors. For example, when you hear a bell in school, you realize that you are late. In operant conditioning, one is trained with rewards and punishment. For example, you try not to be late to your next class because you know you could get a detention.

Pavlov's dog learned to respond to a bell as if the bell were food what is this is an example of?

its not exactly an example of anything he was just testing to see if tha dog salivated. -ya but is it reasoning, instinct, conditioning, trial an error or just a habit?

Pavlov's dog learned to respong to a bell as if the bell were food. this is an example of?

Classical conditioning. If you run a search for Pavlov, you can find loads of information about classical conditioning

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vicarious conditioning

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How can you apply classical conditioning with a salesclerk example?

I should hope that you don't attempt classical conditioning with a salesclerk. Operant conditioning may be appropriate, but if you're planning to do surgery on the salesclerk to measure saliva flow or acidity of the stomach, you will probably run into some obstacles.

The learning of phobias is a very good example of which certain type of classical conditioning?

conditioned emotional response

What is semantic conditioning?

"some of these [experiments on semantic conditioning] , for example, study the generaliaztion from objective stimuli to the verbal equivalents ( or study the equivalence of one word to another as conditioned stimuli)." -hilgard theories of learning

What exactly is air conditioning?

Air conditioning is removing hot air with cold air. For example we use air conditioner that removes hot air by blowing cold air from a refrigeration cycle into a room.

Describe an example in the Bible where the principles of operant conditioning are illustrated?

Operant coniditioning is shown throughout the entire Bible. Operant conditioning is where we learn to associate actions with consequences. I have an assignment this week in my class that asks this question and I have a few examples I am debating about using. Jonah is one character who received a punishments for his actions and because of his punishments he decided to change his behavior. Adam and Eve is another example of operant conditioning. If you just look in the Bible a little and understand operant conditioning, you will see a lot of examples.