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There are many different samples of speech choir available. Some of these include Never Fall in Love Again by Burt Bacharach and The Creation, by Franz Joseph Haydn.

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9y ago

Speech choir pieces can be fun to perform. When looking for a piece, consider Wear Sunscreen, I'll Never Fall in Love Again, I'll Follow You, Peace Not War, and the Man and the Crow.

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=a speech choir is a way of reciting a said piece within a group. The members included in the speech choir are required to change their voice depending on the role they portray or character they voice.=

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One popular speech choir piece used by elementary children is "The Rainbow Song." It is a simple and catchy piece that allows students to perform expressive movements while reciting the colorful lyrics.

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An example of Filipino speech choir would be The Wind. There is also a piece called Resiliency of a Filipinoby.