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Continental- continental collisions, Continental-oceanic collisions,and Oceanic-oceanic collisions

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Q: Examples of where the three types of plate movements occur?
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Give examples of where the three types of plate movements occur?

San Andreas Fault--transform plate boundary. Himalayan Mountain Range--convergent plate boundary. Mid-ocean ridge--divergent plate boundary.

How are the three types of plate movements that can occur along plate boundaries alike?

Either: they all collide in some way, or they all affect the structure of the landscape in some way.

What four types of plate movements can cause earthquakes?

There are three types of plate movements that can cause earthquakes. Lateral, convergent, and divergent.

What are the three plate movements?

Convergent, Divergent and Transform

What are the three main plate movements?

Divergent (away from\apart), Convergent (towards) and Transform (side by side) movements.

What are three examples of fundamental movements?

throwing, catching, and kicking.

Three type of plate boundaries where volcanic eruptions can occur?

Convergent, divergent, and, although not a plate boundary, they also occur from hotspots.

Three types of plate movements that cause earthquake?

i dont know ask your momy trick

What are three types of movements that occur along faults?

Convergence, divergence and strike slip.

What is the three plate moments?

There are three different types of plate movements that cause earthquakes. The first is Divergent Boundaries (pulling apart), the second is Covergent Boundaries (coming together) and Transform Boundaries.

What are three types of convergent boundary movements and formations?

1. Continent plate/sea floor plate subduction 2. sea floor plate/sea floor plate subduction 3. strike/slip movement

What are three major movements on the earth's crustal plates and what occurs as a result of these movements?

There are three major plate movements, whether these occur on the continents or under the sea, convergent, where two plates collide together and one sinks under the other, although sometimes with continental plates if two continental plates collide then they are both very dense so they both press up against each other and form mountains, there are conservative plate margins, where the plates slip past each other, catching against each other causing earthquakes, and finally there are divergent plate margins where the plates are moving away from each other, these cause upsurges of magma in between and new land/sea bed is formed, these types of plate margins usually only occur under the sea, this is how Iceland was formed, but not the Hawaiian islands