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Mechanism of Traveling of Light:

It might be a Common knowledge that Light travels with different velocity in different mediums viz. Solid, Liquid or Gas.

This is mainly because of the fact that different mediums have different Optical Density and when Light enters any Specific medium a part of the incident light will in fact be scattered by the particles of that medium. This depends on the fact that how tightly the molecules or Dispersed Particles are held together which is highest in case of Solids and Least in case of Gases.

Now we have Understood that Light travels with varying velocities in any media. This property of Light is Known as 'Refraction'.

For example, a light ray will refract as it enters and leaves glass, Its wavelengthincreases or decreases.

Traveling of Light through Prism:

A prism is a transparent solid usually made of glass or such transparent compounds bounded by three rectangular faces and two triangular faces.

So when a Polychromatic Ray of Light is passed through it, the different wavelengths of light suffer varying degree of refraction and Ultimately If a Screen is Placed behind the Prism the different constituent components of the light can be Obtained.

i.e., Polychromatic Light is divided into ----> V I B G Y O R

V= Violet

I= Indigo

B= Blue

G= Green

Y= Yellow

O= Orange

R= Red

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14y ago
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14y ago

Add a second prism to combine the light.

The first prism separates the light and the second prism combines the light.

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9y ago

by passing it through another prism that can convert light to combine

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12y ago

just put the second prism just in the opposite direction as of the prism

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12y ago

just put the second prism just in the opposite direction as of the prism

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14y ago

A prism seperates light into different colours, when White light passes through the spectrum giving you its colours, red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo and violet.

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13y ago

It uses the fact that refraction works differently for different frequencies - some frequencies refract more than others.

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How can you cause light separated by a prism to combine?

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What can be separated with a prism?

White light.

Can white light be separated only by a prism?


How do you get the same ray of light after passing through the prisms?

after the light passes through the prism, the light is technically still the same just separated into different energy levels or colors. if you want to achieve the "white" light that entered the prism again, you can place another prism in front of the colored light and it should combine and create the "white" light again.

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How can the colors that make up a white light be separated?

by use of a prism

What happens when a ray of light is shone into a prism?

The various frequencies are separated.

Why do you get a raindow when you shine light through a prism?

because the 7 colors which form the white light is separated as their speed is not the same in the prism.

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How is light separated into a spctrum?

With a prism. Light striking the prism is of different wavelenghts. These corrospond to the thickness of the wedge splitting the colors out of the source. They can be put back together with another prism.

Howis light separated into spectrum?

This is normally done by passing it through a prism.

What phenomenon cause color of visible light to be separate by a prism?

Refraction is the phenomenon causes colors of visible light to be separated by a prism.