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  • signed magnitude, one bit indicates the sign of the number and the other bits indicate the positive magnitude of the number (this system has two representations for zero: +0 and -0)
  • one's complement, positive numbers are represented as their positive magnitude and negative numbers are represented as the complement of their positive magnitude (this system has two representations for zero: +0 and -0)
  • two's complement, positive numbers are represented as their positive magnitude and negative numbers are represented as the complement of their positive magnitude plus one (this system is asymmetric about zero, with one more negative value than positive)
  • offset binary, numbers are represented as the positive sum of their actual value and an offset (this system is asymmetric about zero, typically with one more negative value than positive)
Most modern systems use two's complement for fixed point numbers (because the arithmetic circuitry is simpler than the others) and a combination of signed magnitude and offset binary for floating point numbers (because this format allows the same instructions for comparing fixed point numbers to also be used to compare floating point numbers, reducing the number of different instructions and the circuitry to implement them),
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Q: Explain the methods which are available to store negative numbers and how are they used. Which method is mainly used today and why?
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Negative times negative equals positive. Positive times positive equals positive. Positive times negative equals negative. If you have more than two numbers, multiply the first two and then apply these rules to each successive number in turn.

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Let x and y be two rational numbers. If both x and y are negative then their sum will be negative.If only one of them, say x, is positive (so that y is negative), and if the absolute value (or magnitude) of y is greater than x then their sum will be negative.

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If all three numbers are positive then the product obviously has to be positive. If TWO of the three numbers are negative, then the product is also positive. But if exactly ONE of the three numbers is negative or if all THREE are negative, then the product must be negative. In general, a product of numbers is negative if an ODD NUMBER of the terms is negative.

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Positive plus positive equals positive. Negative plus negative equals negative. Positive greater than negative equals positive. Negative greater than positive equals negative.

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explain the procedure for sign modulus method and 2's complement method for storing positive and negative numbers?

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(-5)2 = 25. This is because multiplying two negative numbers together always leads to a positive number. Think about it like taking a negative amount of negative numbers, which switches them over to positive numbers. -52 = -25, because you are not multiplying negative 5 by negative 5, you are multiplying 5 by 5, and then multiplying that value by negative 1.

Explain what opposite numbers are?

They are the numbers that are placed on a number line that are exact same distance away from 0