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1. choosing, labeling, and vouching for candidates 2. disseminating political information and opinions to the populace 3. acting as an institutional "watch-dog" or "loyal opposition" to the government in power 4. facilitating cooperation and coordination in government 5. moderation, compromise, and unity

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16y ago
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7y ago

Political parties exist to present a united front on issues. As a defeated motion in Canadian politics means a call for a new election it is important that the government in power is able to have a constant succession of passed motion. The parties are suppose to contain people of like philosophies which provides a base for unity however this is true only superficially as politicians constantly cross the floor and form coalitions whenever it is to their best interests.

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14y ago

What is a political party's main purpose?
A political party's purpose is to gain majority party control of the government by nominating candidates for office, coordinating campaigns, providing cues for voters, articulating policies, and coordinating policy-making.

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13y ago

Political parties don't serve a purpose, but rather form when groups of people have different view points on political issues.

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To help a candidate that will represent their views win an election.

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Q: What purpose does the political parties serve?
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True- such is the purpose of political parties.

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What functions do political parties serve?

The main purpose of political parties is to join people, who hold similar points of view about the government, together. These groups work to participate in and influence the government by having its members elected to a government position.

What is the main purpose of political parties?

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Washington made it very clear that he didn't like political parties. He was afraid that the party would not work for the common good of the country, but for its own political purpose. If we analyze the political parties today I think he has a point.

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help reanswer this i need this correct answer