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A story about a healthy 26 year old man who has lost his left leg. He is struggling to accept the loss "...never quite let the realization reach him" but one day, while in the garden he feels that he has met someone who is in the same boat- a locust that has also lost a leg. He feels that he can feel exactly how the locust does but in the end is irritated when the locust flies away. He has forgotten that the locust can fly and therefor the locust, like the serpent in Eden, has misled the man into thinking he feels the same pain and loss.

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"The Soft Voice of the Serpent" by Nadine Gordimer is a story About a Boy who explores his relationships with his family and an older Black man who works in his garden. The boy struggles with questions of race and privilege as he becomes more aware of the injustices around him. The story reflects the complexities of growing up in a racially divided society.

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