


Weather Forecasts

Weather forecasts are predictions of atmosphere and climate that are usually shown on the news. They are often measured with barometric pressure. Weather forecasts are useful when it comes to planning events. It could make the difference of going outside or staying inside.

500 Questions

What the writer focuses your attention on at the beginning in a book?

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In the beginning of a book, the writer usually focuses the reader's attention on setting the scene, introducing the main characters, and establishing the central conflict or theme of the story. This helps to draw readers in and set the stage for the events that will unfold throughout the book.

When weather forecasts are given as high today of 25 and low of 10 is this for the time period of midnight to the following midnight or from sunrise to sunrise or what other method?

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Weather forecasts typically refer to the high and low temperatures of the day from midnight to midnight. This means that the high temperature forecasted is the highest temperature expected during the day, and the low temperature is the lowest temperature expected during the day.

What is the full form of NA and Nil in weather forecast of times of India newspaper?

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NA stands for "Not Available" in weather forecasts when data is missing or not provided. Nil typically means "zero" or "no significant amount" when referring to precipitation or other weather parameters.

John was watching television Just after the midnight news there was a weather forecast It is raining now and will rain for the next two days However in 72 hours it will be bright and sunny wrong?

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John was watching television Just after the midnight new there was a weather forecast. It is raining now and will rain for the next 2 days. However in 72 hours it will be bright and sunny. wrong again. snorted john. He was correct but how did he know?

How is weather forecast important to fishermen?

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So that they know how to set up their boats, and what fish there will be, and what bait to use.

How do large bodies of water affects wind?

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The hotter the water, the faster the air above it heats and rises, so the quicker the wind in a vertical direction. This can cause wind in other places, due to displacement.

What does it mean when it is yellow outside?

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bad weather perhaps, or maybe extra smoggy ♥

What are the advantges and disadvantages of a must do forecast?

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When you predict you are thinking/writing what you believe is going to happen and usually you have a 50/50 chance of being right

How do you usually come to know about the weather forecast?

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People find out through TV, radio, newspapers, the internet, meteorological stations and other sources. Some can do it through their own knowledge, from from basic knowledge to much more detailed and sophisticated ways that real weather forecasters use. They have all kinds of ways of collecting data like from local meteorological stations to satellites.

What is the current temperature in mableton Georgia?

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At the time this answer was given, it was 29º F. However, that answer will change day by day, even hour by hour. To get the most current temperature, one easy way is to do a search for the word weather, along with your zip code. Most browsers, such as Google, will display the temperature at the top of your search.

How does the wind affect a drought?

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Winds can affect droughts by blowing topsoil off the land,so destroying seeds and preventing plants from growing.

Why weather forecasts are important to the outdoor construction inustery?

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It affects the construction industry because it can delay building when raining, it can make supplies moldy, such as drywall, or wood, it also can make concrete delivery's delayed because humidity or wetness.

What do weather stations do to make weather information easier to understand?

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They collect data and information to be interpreted by meteorologists to more accurately predict future weather patterns.

Why are forecasts more accurate today than in the past?

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Today we have a better understanding of weather than we did before. We also have technology that helps us gather the information needed to make good predictions. Computers run digital models that yield faster and more accurate calculations that you can get from a human.

Is error possible in weather predictions how and why?

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Yes. First, making an accurate prediction requires getting good, accurate data, but there are limits to how much data we can gather. A small variation in one weather condition now can make a big difference later. Second, we rely on a number of computerized forecast models to make prediction, but none of these models are perfect, so meteorologists have to make a subjective judgement of what the consensus between models is. Third, while we have a good grasp on the dynamics of how weather works, we still do not understand all it subtleties.