


Animal Life

Animals enrich our lives in so many different ways. The Animal Life category is for questions and answers about animals of all types, including pets, sea life, and farm animals. You can ask questions or find information regarding animals, their history, care, health issues, breeding, and behavior.

500 Questions

What do tigers need from other living and nonliving things?

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From living creatures, tigers need to be able to prey on them in order to eat. They also seek for other tigers in order to mate and reproduce. From nonliving things, they rely on well hidden land terrain in order to take cover and hide for an ambush when hunting. They also need water and air to survive. Tigers need a large area to live so that they have enough space and prey as well.

What is an non example of niche?

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I do know that a niche is an animals role in an ecosystem, like a skunks niche is its black and white colours. Hope this helps you!

What decomposer breaks down jaguars?

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any kind of decomposer,for example:snails and worms

What would win in a fight between a giraffe and a llama?

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Giraffe. Why, you might ask? Look up a video of giraffes fighting and come back and tell me that a llama would win.

How big is rodan?

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i think its wingspan must be about 700 hundred feet and must be about 500 hundred feet tall and i think it ways 800 tons

Is it okay to eat your baby?

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Asked by Courtnat69

No it is not okay to eat your baby if you donÍt want children there are ways to prevent getting pregnant. Babies were giving to you to love and protect until they are old enough to provide for themselves.

How can you help the animals in danger?

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Helping animals in danger or at risk of extinction involves various approaches and actions that individuals, organizations, and governments can take. Here are some ways to help endangered and at-risk animals:

Support Conservation Organizations:

Contribute to and get involved with organizations dedicated to animal conservation, such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), or local wildlife protection groups. Your donations can fund critical conservation projects and research.

Adopt Sustainable Practices:

Make sustainable choices in your daily life, such as reducing your carbon footprint, supporting sustainable agriculture and fisheries, and using eco-friendly products. Climate change and habitat destruction are major threats to many species.

Educate Yourself and Others:

Learn about endangered species and share your knowledge with friends and family. Increasing awareness can lead to greater support for conservation efforts and responsible behavior.

Reduce Habitat Destruction:

Support initiatives and policies aimed at protecting and preserving natural habitats. Habitat destruction, primarily due to deforestation, urban development, and agriculture, is a leading cause of species decline.

Responsible Wildlife Tourism:

If you engage in wildlife tourism, choose responsible and ethical operators who prioritize animal welfare, habitat protection, and sustainable practices. Avoid activities that exploit or harm animals for entertainment.

Legal Protections:

Advocate for stronger wildlife protection laws and regulations at local, national, and international levels. Support efforts to combat illegal wildlife trafficking and poaching.

Support Habitat Restoration:

Participate in or support habitat restoration projects that aim to restore ecosystems and provide safe havens for endangered species.

Donate Time or Skills:

Volunteer your time and expertise with wildlife conservation organizations or sanctuaries. They often need volunteers for research, rehabilitation, and education programs.

Adopt a Pet Responsibly:

If you decide to adopt a pet, choose adoption from a shelter or rescue organization. Avoid supporting the illegal wildlife trade by not purchasing exotic pets or products made from endangered species.

Responsible Consumption:

Be mindful of what you consume, including products made from animals or plants that are endangered or sourced unsustainably. Support sustainable, fair-trade, and cruelty-free products.

Be a Responsible Pet Owner:

If you have pets, ensure they are well-cared for, spayed or neutered, and do not pose a threat to local wildlife.

Participate in Citizen Science:

Engage in citizen science programs that monitor wildlife populations, which can provide valuable data for conservation efforts.

Financial Support:

Consider adopting symbolic adoptions of endangered animals or contributing to wildlife conservation through financial support.

Remember that collective action is often more effective than individual efforts alone. By working together and supporting organizations and initiatives that are actively involved in protecting endangered animals and their habitats, we can make a positive impact on their survival and conservation.

What has the smallest penis in the animal or insect world?

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A flea has the smallest penis and they have two.

Which is the largest animal in the world which is the smallest animal in the world?

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the largest is the blue whale, ironicaly it eats one of the smallest plankton, but the smallest is the microscopic round worm.

What is the social condition of makato and the cowrie shell?

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Makato and the cowrie shell where is 5 sentence in social issue

Pets causes diseased what are the 15 diseases pets cause?

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To know everything about pets visits our website

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What does a fortaquad look like?

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what does a fortaquad triangle

Where did edmontonia live at?

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Asked by Wiki User

Edmontonia was a genus of armored dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 76 to 66 million years ago. It inhabited what is now North America. Specifically, Edmontonia fossils have been found in the western part of North America, including areas that are part of modern-day Canada and the United States. These dinosaurs roamed in regions that were characterized by diverse ecosystems, including lush forests, swamps, and coastal areas. Edmontonia was a herbivorous dinosaur and belonged to the group of dinosaurs known as ankylosaurids, known for their heavily armored bodies and often equipped with tail clubs for defense.

What animals hunt using sound?

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Bats: Most bat species use echolocation to navigate and hunt in the dark. They emit high-frequency sounds that bounce off objects, including prey, and listen to the echoes to determine the location and size of their target.

Dolphins and Whales: Many species of cetaceans, like dolphins and some whales (such as the sperm whale), use echolocation to hunt. They produce a series of clicks that travel through the water. When these clicks hit an object, the sound waves bounce back to the dolphin or whale, helping them locate prey even in murky waters.

Owls: Some owl species have asymmetrical ears that help them locate prey by sound. Their acute hearing allows them to detect small animals moving in the underbrush, even under a layer of snow or in complete darkness.

Shrews: Certain species of shrews use echolocation to navigate and perhaps even to locate prey. They emit high-pitched sounds and use the returning echoes to orient themselves in their environment.

Oilbirds and Some Swiftlets: These birds are unique among avians because they use a simple form of echolocation. They emit clicking sounds that help them navigate in total darkness inside caves where they roost and nest.

Beluga Whales: Known for their sophisticated vocalizations, beluga whales use echolocation for hunting and navigating under sea ice in the Arctic.

How long is camle life?

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Animals can live about 30 years and some animal lives 50 years

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Why do we have national animals?

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Asked by Wiki User

national animals show the uniqueness of a country and can attract more tourists. for e.g. kangaroos can make Australia seem unique and special. they also help identify a country. For e.g. if some one said a tiger, people would immediately think of India, or if someone mentioned panda they would be reminded of china.

What homes do animals live in the ocean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Homes? Most just swim around but some live in shells, rocks and/or come on land to rest.

What does a buterfly larva eat?

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Do sandgropers make a noise?

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Sand Groper is a cricket (mole cricket)

Sorry No - Mole Crickets are different altogether.

What are the special features of desert animals?

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Adaptation to their changing environmental conditions.

Which animal is haunted by other animals?

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ghost cats haunt real cats while some haunted ghouls haunt seabass

What is seabirds prey?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fish: Many seabirds feed on various species of fish. Examples include anchovies, sardines, herring, mackerel, and more. Species like gulls, terns, and puffins often catch fish while foraging at the ocean's surface or through diving.

Squid: Squid are a common prey item for some seabirds, including species like albatrosses, petrels, and shearwaters. These birds can be skilled at capturing squid either by surface seizing or diving.

Crustaceans: Some seabirds feed on crustaceans such as krill, shrimp, and crabs. Krill, in particular, is a vital food source for many species of penguins, as well as some larger seabirds like albatrosses.

Invertebrates: Seabirds may also eat various invertebrates found in the ocean, including jellyfish, small mollusks, and planktonic organisms.

Marine Eels: Certain seabird species, like gannets are known to feed on marine eels, which they often capture while diving from the air into the water.

Scavenging: Some seabirds, such as gulls and skuas, are opportunistic scavengers and will feed on carrion, fishery discards, and even steal food from other birds.

Chicks: During the breeding season, some seabirds may also feed their chicks with regurgitated food. This can include partially digested fish or other prey items.