


Boas, also called Boids, are a family of snakes that use constriction rather than venom to subdue and kill their prey. Boas are native to Africa, America, Asia, Europe and some Pacific Islands. Boas differ from pythons in two main ways the most notable of these being that boas give birth to live young.

500 Questions

Do boas constrictors have teeth?

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What eats boa constictors?

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birds, lizards, monkeys and small rodents

Can a boa constrictor swallow a man?

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The answer is: YES.

Many years back, I saw a photograph purportedly printed on a newspaper showing a boa constrictor split along its belly, and a full-grown man body was still lying along the snake body. According to the photo caption, this event occurred in Malaysia.

Where are the boa constrictors found in?

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south America

What are the predators of a boa constrictor?

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nothing because nothing eats a boa constrictor

Where does the tree boa sleep?

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Coiled up around the branch of a tree.

What is the diet of the Boa Constrictor?

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Diet of a Boa ConstrictorBoas in the wild eat smaller rodents, birds, lizards, and some eat smaller snakes.

Boas as pets eat rats live or frozen/thawed (ingesting frozen rats or mice are fatal to any reptile).

In captivity, there's a variety of food to offer them: chicken, quail, pig, rabbit, Guinea pig, rats, and mice. Mice are reserved for babies and juveniles due to their small size, and Guinea pigs are only suitable as an occasional treat as they are very fatty. Pigs are only for the largest of boas (10'+), and probably are also not good as a staple, due to their fat. Rabbits and rats are the most popular choices.

Why do boa constrictors give birth to live young?

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That's like asking why other snakes lay eggs, or why mammals give live birth. Or why we must consume our food rather than absorb nutrients from the soil. Rattlesnakes and garter snakes give live birth too....

What does this phrase mean Red touch yellow kill a fellow red touch black friend of jack?

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its to do with snakes,,, if the patern red touch yellow they are usually poisones,, if red touches black , they are usually non poison,,,

Do sand boas have fangs?

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I just got bit by one on the finger this morning. It left two tiny holes that bled. Two holes on the top and two almost holes on the bottom of my finger. The teeth marks were close together. Not the normal scratched multi-hole appearance that you get from a regular boa bite.

Do boa constrictors bite?

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A boa constrictor shouldn't bite its own tail, some snakes such as king snakes are very aggressive with food and eat other snakes might take a chomp at their tail but unless a rare case it wont be a boa.

What does a brown recluse look like?

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it is sort of a brown/tan color and in the middle of the spider you will see some sort of a violin and if you do see one be extremely cautious! Don' get bit!!

What is a boa constrictor's habitat?

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the rain forest is the habitat of the boa constrictor

What is a boa constrictor apperance?

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A boa constrictor can have many different markings. Their colors vary depending on the area they live in, allowing them to blend in. The snake usually has a light background color with a pattern of diamond, circle, or saddle-like shapes in a darker color.

What colors can a boa constrictor be?

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I one and it is brown but it has darker spots on it that's how most are unless they are albino. Some of the tree boa's are green but they don't sell those at most places.

Do boa constrictors eat tapirs?

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No, Tapirs are herbivores, Jaguars and Anaconda are the tapirs predators.

How many emerald tree boas are left in the world?

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between 100000-100000000000000 thousand roughly

How do the boa constructers kill there prey?

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they literally squeeze the life out the victim by wrapping themselves around their prey and squeezing until respiration/breathing is impossible

What to do when a boa constrictor bites you?

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nothing u can relly do but rush to the hospital and get a shot or the venim will rush through your body within a hour or so.

Answer 2:

Wrong, Boas have no venom. If its just a strike, then don't worry you'll live. If it clamps on to you then don't pull it off, either spray with room temp water on the head until it releases or pour a small amount of vinegar on to your skin close to the bite and tip it slowly into contact with the boas mouth.

Answer 3:

Yes, boas do not have venom and trying to pull the boa off will do alot more damage if it is even possible i have been bit by a boa in a animal science class and the teacher sprayed perfume in its face and it realsed but i do believe the vinegar would work also not so sure about the water.

What does a boa kill?

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A Person

Is the boa constrictor one of the most deadliest snakes?

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In terms of deadliness, a boa contrictor is hardly that. Like all constricting snakes, they do not possess venom. In order to kill a human they would have to literally overpower the human to the ground and squeeze them to death. Since boas grow to 10-11 ft at the largest, it is highly unlikely for a boa to kill a human.

Boas and pythons routinely kill small pets, as they would in nature, and occasionally kill babies and toddlers. If you want one as a pet , make sure you study up on them before you get one. There are things you need to know for their comfort and safety, and for those that share living space with them. Just be a responsible pet owner, no matter what kind of pet you have.

When is it most likely a boa will bite?

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They only bite out of fear or mistaken identity not because they are ill tempered. You have the same chance of being bitten by a dog as you do a boa when handled correctly. Although there is an increased chance of being bit by a boa when it is shedding and after it has eaten so be more cautious with the snake during these periods.

How big can the boa constrictor get?

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8-12 feet but the average is 6 feet long
with females generally being larger in both length and girth than males. As such, the average size of a mature female boa is between 7–10 feet (2.1–3.0 m), whilst it is 6–8 feet (1.8–2.4 m) for the males.[6] It is common for female individuals to exceed 10 feet (3.0 m), particularly in captivity, where lengths of up to 12 feet (3.7 m) or even 14 feet (4.3 m) can be seen.[7] A report of a Boa constrictor growing up to 18.5 feet (5.6 m) was later found to be a misidentified green anaconda.[8]