

Paradox and Antithesis

Includes questions related to contradictory statements or when opposing words are used to create a balance.

500 Questions

Paradox in The Bible?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example of a paradox in the Bible is the concept of "dying to live," where followers are called to die to their own desires and live for God. This paradoxical idea highlights the counterintuitive nature of Christian faith, emphasizing the need for self-sacrifice and submission to experience true life in Christ.

Paradox meaning of "Everything I say is a lie"?

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Asked by Suraiya Ramlochan

The statement is paradoxical because it can not be true.

If everything that you said was really a lie, then you would not be able to say, "Everything I say is a lie," because that would be a true statement. Therefore it can never be truthfully said.

You could say, "everything that I say is a lie," and be lying, but that statement is still false at that point because you're lying while saying it, which means that you can tell the truth.

When was Hen Avigdori born?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hen Avigdori was born on April 19, 1970, in Petah Tikva, Israel.

What paradoxes were used in the essay Ground Zero written by Suzanne Berne?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the essay "Ground Zero" by Suzanne Berne, the author explores the paradox of ordinary life continuing amidst the somber backdrop of the 9/11 attacks. Another paradox highlighted is the tension between the desire for normalcy and the impossibility of returning to the way things were after such a catastrophic event. The essay also delves into the paradox of collective grief and individual mourning in the aftermath of tragedy.

Who is best known for his paradoxes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Zeno of Elea, a Greek philosopher, is best known for his paradoxes, including the famous Achilles and the Tortoise paradox. These paradoxes deal with concepts such as motion, time, and infinity, and have puzzled philosophers and mathematicians for centuries.

How is paradox found in the description of victory gin Orwell 1984 novel?

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Asked by Wiki User

In George Orwell's "1984," Victory Gin is paradoxically named because, despite its patriotic-sounding title, it is actually a low-quality, unpleasant-tasting product used to numb the minds of the citizens, thus highlighting the irony and deception inherent in the Party's propaganda. The juxtaposition of "Victory" with a substandard product reflects the Party's manipulation of language and its ability to control the truth to maintain power over the population.

Is paradox a literary device?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, paradox is a literary device that involves a statement that appears to contradict itself but may reveal a deeper truth or meaning. It is often used to create intrigue, provoke thought, or highlight the complexity of a concept or idea.

Who is known as romantic paradox?

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Asked by Wiki User

The poet Lord Byron is often known as the "romantic paradox" due to his combination of romantic ideals with rebellious and controversial behavior. Byron's dual nature of being a passionate romantic and a scandalous figure made him a complex and intriguing personality within the Romantic literary movement.

What was Chick Hearns first name?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chick Hearn's first name was Francis. He was a prominent sports broadcaster known for his work with the Los Angeles Lakers.

What is the paradox of the story day of the butterfly?

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Asked by Wiki User

The paradox in the story "Day of the Butterfly" by Alison Munro lies in the complex relationship between the two main characters, whereby the bully, Sandra, is both admired and despised by the protagonist, Maureen. Maureen yearns for Sandra's friendship despite the abuse she endures from her, leading to conflicting emotions of both fear and admiration toward her tormentor. This paradox highlights the complexities of power dynamics and the blurred lines between love and hate in relationships.

In what way does the character of Gatsby most fulfill the definition of paradox?

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Asked by Wiki User

He is usually calm, but he is nervous before he sees Daisy.

Were there any fallacies in 'Citizen Kane'?

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Asked by Wiki User

One fallacy that could be attributed to "Citizen Kane" is the hasty generalization fallacy, where broad conclusions are drawn from limited observations. Some critics argue that the portrayal of Charles Foster Kane as a one-dimensional character may oversimplify the complexity of his personality and motivations, thereby falling into this fallacy.

What is an example of a paradox in Dover Beach?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example of a paradox in "Dover Beach" is when the speaker describes the world as being both full of beauty and love, yet also as a place that is full of sadness, chaos, and uncertainty. This contrast creates a sense of tension and contradiction in the poem, emphasizing the complexity of human experience.

What rhetorical devices that were in Charles foster Kane speech?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Charles Foster Kane's speech, he uses rhetorical devices such as parallelism, repetition, and imagery to emphasize his message and capture the audience's attention. His speech also includes elements of pathos, logos, and ethos to persuade and connect with his audience emotionally, logically, and ethically.

What is a example of a paradox in The Giver?

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Asked by Wiki User

A paradox in "The Giver" is the society's desire for sameness and control to eliminate pain and conflict, yet resulting in a lack of individuality and emotions. The community's goal of avoiding suffering by erasing memories and emotions ultimately leads to a disconnection from reality and an absence of true human experiences.

What is the paradox in chapter 4 of The Things They Carried?

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Asked by Wiki User

In chapter 4 of "The Things They Carried," the paradox arises from the soldiers' conflicting desires to both distance themselves from the realities of war and to remain connected to their humanity. They carry physical and emotional burdens to protect themselves, yet these burdens also weigh them down and challenge their sense of identity and purpose. This paradox highlights the complex and contradictory nature of their experiences in the Vietnam War.

In Citizen Kane what is the name of the estate that Charles Foster Kane builds?

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Asked by Rhicksg

The estate that Charles Foster Kane builds in "Citizen Kane" is named Xanadu. It is a grand and opulent estate that represents Kane's wealth and power.

What is the climax of Cry the Beloved Country?

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The climax of "Cry, the Beloved Country" by Alan Paton occurs when Stephen Kumalo confronts the man responsible for his son's death, and they both acknowledge the pain and destruction caused by the crime. This moment symbolizes a breakthrough in understanding and forgiveness, paving the way for reconciliation and healing in the community.

What are some examples of paradox in Questions of Travel by Elizabeth Bishop?

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Asked by Wiki User

In "Questions of Travel" by Elizabeth Bishop, one example of a paradox is when the speaker questions whether it is better to stay in one place or constantly wander, highlighting the conflicting desires for stability and adventure. Another example is the paradox of feeling both comforted and suffocated by the familiarity of home, suggesting that the idea of "home" can be both reassuring and restrictive.

What are some paradoxes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some classic paradoxes include the "liar paradox" where someone says "I always lie," creating a contradiction, and the "grandfather paradox" in time travel where someone goes back in time and prevents their grandfather from meeting their grandmother, causing a paradox regarding their own existence.

In the story Last Cover why where they trying to find Bandit?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the story "Last Cover," they were trying to find Bandit because he was critical to the success of the mission. Bandit was an expert in navigating the dangerous territory, and without him, they risked getting lost or captured by the enemy.

What is the falling action?

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Asked by Wiki User

The falling action is the part of a story that follows the climax and leads to the resolution. It involves the events and actions that occur as the story's conflicts are being resolved and the plot is wrapping up. The falling action provides closure and ties up loose ends before the story concludes.

What are some paradox of progress samples?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • The paradox of choice: as society advances and technology improves, we are faced with an overwhelming number of choices which can lead to decision paralysis and dissatisfaction.
  • The Jevons paradox: as improvements in resource efficiency lead to lower per-unit costs, consumption of that resource may actually increase due to increased demand and overall impact.
  • The paradox of automation: as technology advances and tasks become automated, there is a risk of job displacement and potential exacerbation of income inequality.

What is the role of paradox in these lines from death be not proud by John donne?

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Asked by Wiki User

The paradox in "Death be not proud" serves to challenge the conventional view of death as powerful and fearful. Donne uses paradoxes to highlight the contrast between the physical reality of death and the eternal life of the soul, ultimately asserting that death is not as fearsome as it may seem. By employing paradox, Donne seeks to diminish the power and authority traditionally associated with death.

What is the role of the paradox in these lines?

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Asked by Wiki User

Paradox in literature serves to highlight contradictions or tensions that deepen the meaning of a text. It can add complexity, provoke deeper thought or emphasize a theme. Its presence in lines can create a sense of ambiguity or challenge conventional thinking.